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ATTACHMENT A <br />CERTIFICATION OF AIRPORT FUND <br />The Sponsor does certify that an Airport Fund has been established for the Sponsor, and that all <br />fees, charges, rents, and money from any source derived from airport operations will be deposited <br />for the benefit of the Airport Fund and will not be diverted for other general revenue fund <br />expenditures or any other special fund of the Sponsor and that all expenditures from the Fund will <br />be solely for airport purposes. Such fund may be an account as part of another fund, but must be <br />accounted for in such a manner that all revenues, expenses, retained earnings, and balances in the <br />account are discernible from other types of moneys identified in the fund as a whole. <br />The City of Paris, Texas <br />(Sponsor) <br />By: <br />Title: <br />Date: <br />14 of 35 <br />