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provided, and (b) the benefits to accrue to the United States and the public from the <br />accomplishment of the project and compliance with the assurances and conditions as herein <br />provided, THE TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION, FOR AND ON BEHALF <br />OF THE UNITED STATES, FEDERAL AVIATION ADMINISTRATION <br />(HEREINAFTER REFERRED TO AS THE "FAA"), OFFERS AND AGREES to pay, as the <br />United States share of the allowable costs incurred in accomplishing the project, ninety percentum <br />of all allowable project costs. This grant is made on and subject to the following terms and <br />conditions: <br />Part II - Offer of Financial Assistance <br />1. The allowable costs of the project shall not include any costs determined by the State to be <br />ineligible for consideration as to allowability under Title 49 U.S.C., the V.T.C.A. <br />Transportation Code, Title 3, Chapters 21-22, et seq., (Vernon and Vernon Supp), and the <br />Airport Zoning Act, Tex. Loc. Govt. Code Ann. 241.001 et seq. (Vernon and Vernon <br />Supp). <br />2. It is estimated that construction project costs will be approximately $1,507,200.00 <br />(Amount A). It is further estimated that approximately $1,507,200.00 (Amount B) of the <br />project costs will be eligible for federal financial assistance, and that federal financial <br />assistance will be for ninety percent (90%) of the eligible project costs. Final <br />determination of federal eligibility of total project costs will be determined by the State in <br />accordance with federal guidelines following completion of project. <br />3. The maximum obligation of the United States payable under this offer shall be <br />$1,356,480.00 (Amount C). <br />This grant should not be construed as block grant funds for the Sponsor, but as a grant for <br />funding of the scope items as listed on page one of this agreement. It is the intent of the <br />State to provide funding to complete the approved work items of this grant and not to <br />amend the scope of work to include items outside of the current determined needs of this <br />project. Scope of work may be amended as necessary to fulfill the unforeseen needs of this <br />specific development project within the spirit of the approved scope, subject to the <br />availability of state, federal, and/or local funds. <br />4. It is estimated that the Sponsor's share of the total project costs will be $150,720.00 <br />(Amount D). At project closeout, Sponsor will be reimbursed for any credited amounts that <br />exceed Sponsor's share. The Sponsor specifically agrees that it shall pay any project costs, <br />which exceed the sum of the federal share (Amount C). <br />It is further agreed that the Sponsor will reimburse the State for any payment or payments <br />made by the State in behalf of the Sponsor which are in excess of the federal percentage of <br />financial participation as stated in Paragraph II-2. The State shall refund to the Sponsor, at <br />the financial closure of the project, any excess funds provided by the Sponsor. <br />2 of 35 <br />