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q. it will provide upon request of the State, the engineering or planning consultant, <br />and the FAA copies of any maps, plans, or reports of the project site, applicable to <br />or affecting the above project; and <br />r. after reasonable notice, it will permit the State, the FAA, and any consultants and <br />contractors associated with this project, access to the project site, and will obtain <br />permission for the State, the FAA, and consultants and contractors associated with <br />this project, to enter private property for purposes necessary to this project; and <br />s. all development of an airport constructed with program funds shall be consistent <br />with the Airport Layout Plan approved by the State and maintained by the Sponsor. <br />A reproducible copy of such plan, and all subsequent modifications, shall be filed <br />with the State for approval; and <br />t. it shall take all steps, including litigation if necessary, to recover funds spent <br />fraudulently, wastefully, or in violation of Federal antitrust statutes, or misused in <br />any other manner in any project upon which Federal and State funds have been <br />expended. For the purposes of this grant agreement, the term "funds" means funds, <br />however used or disbursed by the Sponsor or Agent that were originally paid <br />pursuant to this or any other grant agreement. It shall obtain the approval of the <br />State as to any determination of the amount of such funds. It shall return the <br />recovered share, including funds recovered by settlement, order or judgment, to the <br />State. It shall furnish to the State, upon request, all documents and records <br />pertaining to the determination of the amount of the funds or to any settlement, <br />litigation, negotiation, or other efforts taken to recover such funds. All settlements <br />or other final positions of the Sponsor, in court or otherwise, involving the recovery <br />of such funds shall be approved in advance by the State. <br />2. The Sponsor certifies to the State that it will have acquired clear title in fee simple to all <br />property upon which construction work is to be performed, or have acquired a leasehold on <br />such property for a term of not less than 20 years, prior to the advertisement for bids for <br />such construction or procurement of facilities that are part of the above project, and within <br />the time frame of the project, a sufficient interest (easement or otherwise) in any other <br />property which may be affected by the project. <br />3. The Sponsor, to the extent of its legal authority to do so, shall save harmless the State, the <br />State's agents, employees or contractors from all claims and liability due to activities of the <br />Sponsor, the Sponsor's agents or employees performed under this agreement. The Sponsor, <br />to the extent of its legal authority to do so, shall also save harmless the State, the State's <br />agents, employees or contractors from any and all expenses, including attorney fees which <br />might be incurred by the State in litigation or otherwise resisting said claim or liabilities <br />which might be imposed on the State as the result of such activities by the Sponsor, the <br />Sponsor's agents or employees. <br />6 of 35 <br />