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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> May 23, 2005 <br /> Page 11 <br />know where the $750,000.00 was coming from. Mayor Fendley told him they <br />would refer it back to staff to look into. <br />Ray Banks - 3450 Robin Road - spoke against trash privatization. <br />Sims Norment - 606 S. Church Street - spoke in favor of trash privatization. <br />Penny Golightly - 2720 FM 79 - wanted to know the process for retired <br />employees being reimbursed $400.00 if they get other insurance. Mayor <br />Fendley suggested she speak to Gene Anderson to get all of the details. <br />Bill Rhudasil - 932 E. Price - had a negative experience with trash pick-up done <br />by the City - is in favor of trash privatization <br />st <br />James Allcorn - 870 S.E. 41 - had a negative experience with trash service <br />provided by the City at some of the other properties he owns - is in favor of <br />trash privatization. <br />Randy Stephens - talked about the spraying contract and the fact that he picked <br />up a bid. He doesn’t think the company out of Tyler is using the chemicals they <br />are suppose to spray. He wanted to know who is going to police those people <br />the next time they spray. He thinks the parks should be beautified instead of <br />sprayed. <br />Lawrence Malone - spoke against the City changing the retiree insurance plan <br />and the cut of firefighters. <br />10.Possible future agenda items. <br />None were referenced. <br />11.Referrals. <br />There were no referrals. <br />12.There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. <br />_____________________________ <br />CURTIS FENDLEY, MAYOR <br /> <br />