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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> May 23, 2005 <br /> Page 9 <br />Councilman Manning expressed a concern about the retirement plan at the City not <br />being able to be added to. Councilwoman Wilkerson wanted to know if their tenure <br />could go with them. Tony explained if you were vested with TMRS, then the employee <br />can leave that with the City and continue to earn interest until the employee reaches <br />the retirement age of 60. <br />Councilman Manning said he thinks they should take this to the voters and let them <br />have a say in this. He wanted to know if this item should be an Ordinance instead of <br />a Resolution since it has to do with expenditures. Larry Schenk, advised the nature of <br />this contract would actually be a revenue contract. Councilman Ray reiterated <br />Councilman Manning’s request. Mayor Fendley said they could amend it to be an <br />ordinance. <br /> <br />Motion by Councilman Wilson to approve Tony Williams to proceed to a contract <br />with Waste Management and bring it back to Council. Councilman Poston - second. <br />Motion carried - 4 ayes, 3 nays. Councilman Ray, Councilman Manning and <br />Councilwoman voted against approval of this item. <br />6.Discuss the status of personnel reductions in the fire department. <br />Tony Williams stated that he proposed reductions as the result of finances discussed <br />with Council. On March 14, 2005, the Council gave direction to Tony to proceed with <br />reductions of 56 positions with the exception of EMS. Tony proposed a reduction of <br />six full-time positions in the fire department. As of this date, four people have either <br />left or given notice. There are two remaining to get to that six reduction. These two <br />employees have not obtained the status of full firefighter, being in a probation status. <br />Based on a legal opinion, we can protect their civil service status by putting them on <br />administrative leave upon their last day of service. <br />Larry Schenk informed Council administrative leave would be administrative leave <br />without pay. The purpose would be for them to continue their status as an employee <br />to finally serve out the full year of probation, so that they can be placed on the list. <br />They could return when there is an opening, or in the alternative take another position <br />with another fire department. This would alleviate them having to go back through the <br />fire academy or re-test. <br />Councilman Ray stated there are two firemen on the list to be hired by Greenville. He <br />wants to extend their termination date to an additional thirty to sixty days. Councilman <br />Wilson suggested forty-five days and Councilman Ray said he was not opposed to that. <br />Tony stated he took this as direction. <br /> <br />