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Special City Council Meeting <br /> May 18, 2005 <br /> Page 10 <br />the status of the City Hall Project. <br />14.Presentations. <br />A.John Crider - presented a status report on the Firefighter’s Pension Plan. He <br />informed the Council the figures he had with him were from 2003 because the <br />2005 report was in progress. As of January 1, 2003, the amortization period <br />was 29.7 years. The plan is a defined benefit pension plan. A retiring <br />firefighter gets $89.50 per month multiplied by how long he has worked under <br />the plan. The City is currently contributing at 10.58% and the member <br />contributes 10% of pay. <br />B.Citizens Forum <br />No one came forward to speak. <br />15.Possible future agenda items. <br />Councilman Manning wants to review and discuss the firefighter cuts that are proposed for <br />next month. <br />Mayor Fendley wants to discuss appointing a charter review committee. <br />Councilman Ray wants to discuss the retirees insurance with regard to the city manager’s <br />proposals to increase their contribution to their insurance program <br />16.Referrals. <br />Mitch Wofford - request for zoning change for Lot 3, City Block 234, 1631 W. <br />Henderson. <br />17.There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. <br />_____________________________ <br />CURTIS FENDLEY, MAYOR <br />___________________________ <br /> <br />