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<br />. May 23,2005 <br />Page 2 <br /> <br />The Subcommittee stated that they were concerned about not requiring curb <br />and gutter along 36th and then the collector street taking years to build. They <br />agreed that they would feel comfortable with recommending no curb and <br />gutter if there were some assurances that the road would be built within a <br />reasonable amount of time. Chairman Hayter asked if there was a provision <br />in the Subdivision Ordinance allowing for a deposit, and Shawn Napier <br />explained that there had been in the past, but it had been removed in 2004. <br />He said it would be helpful in this situation, and others, if that provision were <br />updated and put back in. <br /> <br />Rick Poston left the meeting. <br /> <br />The developer stated that she would agree to a timeline to construct the <br />collector street, and the Subcommittee asked if she could amend the Master <br />Plat to show phasing, to include at what phase the street would be built; to be <br />reviewed by the Subcommittee one final time. She said she would have no <br />problem with that, but asked if there was any way the item could be taken to <br />the June P&Z. She explained that she had family health issues that had to be <br />taken care of, and she had made commitments to the Trust that necessitated <br />this item being taken care of as soon as possible. Lisa Wright recommended <br />that the Subcommittee provide Mrs. Rader with instructions of what the <br />revised plat should show and have Mr. Chaney submit a plat in accordance <br />with those instructions by this Friday, in time to make the June P&Z. The <br />Subcommittee agreed. <br /> <br />Motion to recommend that (1) no curb and gutter be required along 36th Street <br />in consideration of the agreement by the developer to construct a collector <br />street from 34th through to FM 195; (2) the plat indicate phasing at least <br />through III; (3) Phase II include the construction of the collector street up to <br />at least Kendra Drive; and (4) the collector street be completed through to FM <br />195 by at least Phase III, was made by Bobby Myers, seconded by Reeves <br />Hayter. Motion carried 3-0. Lisa Wright reminded the developer that this <br />Subcommittee only made a recommendation and neither the P&Z nor the <br />Council were obligated to follow it; therefore, it was essential that the <br />developer attend both upcoming meetings. <br /> <br />3. <br /> <br />The meeting adjourned at 1 :15 p.m. <br /> <br />APPROVED THIS <br /> <br />DAY OF <br /> <br />, 2O_. <br /> <br />Chairman <br />