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April 25, 2005 <br />Page 3 <br />Motion to forward all items to the Building and Standards Commission was <br />made by Brian Wear, seconded by Ann Rogers. Motion carried 7-0. <br />~~~~~ END CONSENT AGENDA ~~~~~ <br />5. <br />Discussion of and possible action on adopting a revised design for a <br /> The HPO told the Commission that Barbara Wilson <br />proposed pocket park. <br />had helped to get the revised design to a more affordable level. The <br />Commission asked if there was some use that could be made of the old brick, <br />and Barbara Wilson said it was planned to be used to create a raised seating <br />area. She also said she was able to get lower quotes than those in the initial <br />proposal. <br />Becki Norment arrived. <br />Motion to approve the new design was made by Claudia Hunt, seconded by <br />Sue Lancaster. Motion carried 8-0. <br />6. The HPO handed out <br />Receipt of report from the Historic Preservation Officer. <br />the attached report. <br />7. The Commission requested a <br />Request items from Board for future agendas. <br />report on awnings. The Commission also requested that the HPO look into <br />the Grand Interstate Theaters Foundation (Hoblitzelle) grants for the Grand. <br />8.The meeting adjourned at 4:50 p.m. <br />APPROVED THIS 8TH DAY OF JUNE, 2005. <br />__________________________________ <br />Arvin Starrett, Chairman <br /> <br />