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May 21, 2005 <br />Page 3 <br />on the mezzanine; however, she said she now knows that she can’t <br />paint the glass. The Commission recommended that she construct a <br />short, black plywood wall to cover the construction and place clear <br />glass in front of that. Mrs. Moore stated that she liked that better than <br />what she had proposed. Motion to approve the COA to expose the wall <br />beneath the windows and to construct a black plywood wall with a clear <br />glass front above the windows was made by Barbara Wilson, seconded <br />by Sue Lancaster. Motion carried 8-0. <br />3. <br />Consideration of and action on granting the following requests for facade <br />grants: <br />A. Motion to approve the facade <br />135 Lamar Avenue - Karol Lyn Moore. <br />grant was made by Sue Lancaster, seconded by Barbara Wilson. <br />Motion carried 8-0. <br />4. The HPO handed out <br />Receipt of report from the Historic Preservation Officer. <br />the attached report. She also handed out a draft of an ordinance regulating <br />outdoor storage. She explained to the Commission that she had started on <br />that particular ordinance a couple of weeks ago to address a city-wide <br />problem with people storing appliances and old furniture on their porches. <br />She said the draft ordinance as it currently is would amend the zoning <br />ordinance to regulate by district, but said that Legal would ultimately place it <br />in the appropriate location in the Code. <br />She also told the Commission that were conflicts between the Building and <br />Standards Commission ordinance and the design guidelines that could create <br />a problem with boarding of windows. She said the BSC ordinance requires <br />very specific wording on the boards that would be unattractive in the historic <br />district, so she wanted the Commission to consider something specific to the <br />districts that will address the need for safety but that will also be attractive. <br />She also said she had concerns about citing dilapidated awnings because the <br />owners might simply take them down. She said she didn’t know if that’s what <br />the Commission wanted to happen, so she recommended possible grants in <br />the next fiscal year for awnings only. <br />5. The HPO told the Commission <br />Request items from Board for future agendas. <br />she would place the awning issue back on the next agenda. The Commission <br />requested items related to the boarding of windows and amendments to the <br />fenestration guidelines to address permitted windows. <br /> <br />