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C. 101 Grand Avenite - Jennifer Hollje, business owner presented the petition. Ms. <br />Hollje stated need approval for signs for• her new business. Motion was made by Britin <br />Bostick, seconded by David Stewart to approve the COA. Ivlotion carried 6-0. <br />D. 300 ls' Street S. W. - Sally Wright, Recreation Supervisor for the City of Paris <br />presented the petition. Ms. Wright stated that since the death of Gregory S. Rickets and <br />the dedication and renaming of the park, the graffiti artist have been spray painting the <br />park with signs like "rest in peace GSR". Ms. Wright further stated we are trying to <br />curtail the graffiti by placing a sign directly on the half pipe in a graffiti style honoring <br />Gregory S. Rickets. It is our hope this will alleviate the graffiti that is going on. Angel <br />Cruz will be the artist who has agreed to do this for the city free of charge. Motion was <br />made by Britin Bostick, seconded by Nancy Anderson to approve the COA. Motion <br />carried 6-0. <br />4. Future agenda items. There were none. <br />5. Meeting adjourned at 4:29 p.m. <br />APPROVED THIS ] 4" DAY OF MARCH, 2012. <br /> <br />, <br />8 <br />