<br />Section 3. That a Statement of Supplemental Grant Award, including an award of
<br />$972,143.00, with a grantee cash match in the full amount of$182,225.00 and an in kind match of
<br />$40,940.00 for a total project cost of $1,195,308.00, for that grant period beginning June 1, 2004,
<br />and ending September 30,2005, including all documents associated therewith as attached hereto and
<br />for all purposes incorporated herein, shall be and is hereby in all things approved and accepted.
<br />
<br />Section 4. That the City Manager be, and he is hereby, appointed as the authorized official
<br />of said project and is authorized and directed to execute, on behalf of the City of Paris, any and all
<br />documents associated therewith, including specifically that Grant Supplemental Acceptance Notice
<br />for designated Grant DB-02-A 10-13854-06, a copy of which is attached hereto and for all purposes
<br />incorporated herein, and such other documents and terms and conditions as shall be approved by the
<br />City Attorney.
<br />
<br />Section 5. That the Chief of Police be, and he is hereby, appointed as Project Director and
<br />is hereby authorized to execute and deliver, on behalf of the City of Paris, all reports,
<br />communications, assurances, and documents necessary for the completion of the aforesaid project,
<br />as revised in accordance with the aforesaid supplemental grant.
<br />
<br />Section 6. That the Director of Finance be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to serve
<br />as the Financial Officer for said project and to receive and distribute funds for purposes of the Red
<br />River Valley Drug Task Force, including such additional funds as shall be appropriate pursuant to
<br />the aforesaid supplemental grant.
<br />
<br />Section 7. That the Mayor, City Manager, Chief of Police, and the Finance Director be, and
<br />they are hereby, authorized to execute, on behalf of the City of Paris any and all documents necessary
<br />for acceptance and implementation of such supplemental grant awarded by the Office of the
<br />Governor, Criminal Justice Division, under the terms and conditions and in the forms approved by
<br />the City Attorney, and to proceed with use of said funds upon receipt thereof for the purposes stated
<br />herein and in accordance with the grant conditions. That the form of the contract or any contract
<br />supplement, ifany, as the same shall be required as the result of the aforesaid supplemental grant by
<br />and between the City of Paris and all other grant participants, shall be and is hereby approved and
<br />authorized for signature, wherein the agency has agreed to be bound by the requirements of said
<br />supplemental grant, and the same shall be and is hereby in all things approved.
<br />
<br />Section 8. That the City Manager shall be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to
<br />execute, on behalf of the City of Paris, any such supplement or amendment, if any, to the aforesaid
<br />interagency agreement, as shall be required as a condition of acceptance of the aforesaid
<br />supplemental grant.
<br />
<br />Section 9. That this resolution shall be effective from and after its date of passage.
<br />
<br />I
<br />