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Regular Council Meeting <br />April 9, 2012 <br />Page 2 <br />Michael Glatfelter, 1345 S.E. 6`" Street - he said that he wanted to publically oppose the <br />new city manager, because the salary was excessive. <br />Bloys Enloe, 735 41 st S.W. - he said sixty years ago the City quit requiring sidewalks be <br />built and that the City should have a policy requiring new additions to put in sidewalks. <br />A.J. Hashmi, 4510 FM 195 - he said he hosted a radio program on Tuesday mornings at <br />7:30 a.m. and welcomed city council candidates to schedule a time to speak on the radio <br />program. <br />5. a. Proclamation declaring the month of April as Paris French Toastmasters month. <br />Mayor Hashmi read the proclamation and presented it to Nonnan Young. <br />b. Proclamation declaring the month of April as Safe Digging month. <br />Mayor Hashmi read the proclamation and presented it to Ran Sullivan. <br />Consent Agenda <br />Mayor Hashmi inquired of Council Members if they wished to pull any items from the <br />Consent Agenda for discussion. There were none. <br />A Motion to approve the Consent Agenda was made by Council Member McCarthy and <br />seconded by Council Member Pickle. Motion carried, 6 ayes - 0 nays. <br />6. Deliberate and act on the approval of minutes from the meetings on March 20, 2012 and <br />March 26, 2012. <br />7. Receive and deliberate on reports and/or minutes from the following boards, <br />commissions, and committees: <br />a. Main Street Advisory Board (2-21-2012) <br />Regular Aizenda <br />8. Presentation by Christopher McGreal on sidewalks as related to disabled persons and <br />deliberation. <br />Christopher McGreal of Texas Disability Rights Texas gave a presentation regarding <br />disabled persons and their mobility needs. He cited hot spots for mobility devices depicting <br />photographs of damaged sidewalks, curbs and ramps. Mr. McCrreal also expressed the need for <br />an Americans with Disabilitie,s ("ADA") Act Coordinator, who would serve as a liaison between <br />the disability community and the city. Mr. McGreal said that an ADA Coordinator was required <br />of any public entity with more than fifty employees. He also said that Disability Rights Texas <br />would be able to provide free education and a training seminar for the ADA Coordinator for the <br />_ ~ ~ <br />