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Alft AUTOMOBILE BURGLARY Sc THEFT PREVENTION AUTHORITY Form ABTPA-104 <br />Watch Your Car (07 /12) <br />SCHEDULE D EQUIPMENT NARRATIVE <br />REQUIRED NARRATIVE: Briefly describe the use of equipment and the cost of each line item. <br />1.) The Vehicle and computer will be necessary to provide another vehicle to the Detective position being asked for from the Lamar <br />County Sheriff's Department. This will assist us in covering our coverage area and carrying the necessary gear and tools a Detective <br />needs to perform his/her job and reaching some of the rough terrain and isolated areas where stolen vehicles are often dumped. <br />, 2.) The computer will be provided to the new Detective position so that he/she gain access the programs (ie N.C.LC& I.S.O.) to check <br />vehicles status while in the field. <br />3.) The bait trailer with video recording system wil) be used to combat trailer and burglary of vehicles by being proactive and <br />attempting to catch the criminals in the act of theft in our program area. <br />4.) Thermal Imaging System -Used during night time surveillance of crime hot spots and stolen vehicles that we may want to watch <br />for the criminals returning to the vehicle. <br />S.) Burglary-Radio Dispatch System- A portable system that can be placed at locations of potential criminal activity, such on a vehicle, <br />a piece of implement equipment, car lots, etc where it will notify Police Dispatch upon motion / activation of a possible crime in <br />progress to aid Officers in arresting suspects at the scene. <br />132 <br />ABTPA-13 of 31 <br />