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Public Notice to be published once a week for three (3) consecutive weeks and posted as any other <br />Public Notice for three (3) consecutive weeks: <br />PUBLIC NOTICE OF CHANGES IN ELECTION PRECINCTS <br />Pursuant to §42.035, Texas Election Code, the city council for the City of Paris heiā€¢ein provides <br />notice of changes in the council political boundaries as adopted, and as precleared by the United States <br />Department of Justice on 27th day of March, 2012. <br />Interested individuals may review the adopted changes at city hall during regular business hours. <br />The changes in disti-ict election precincts were necessitated by redistricting of the city council <br />precincts in compliance with the United States Constitution and 42 U.S.C. §1973, also known as the <br />Voting Rights Act, following the release of 2010 census data. Changes in the city council election <br />precincts were designed to achieve numerical balance between the council precincts, and to insure the <br />voting rights of al] citizens in the City of Paris. <br />AVISO PUBLICO DE CAMBIOS EN DISTRITOS ELECTORALES <br />Con arreglo a§42.035, Texas codigo de elecciones, el Ayuntamiento de la ciudad de Paris aqui <br />proporciona aviso de cambios en los limites politicos Consejo aprobado y como precleared por el <br />departamento de Justicia de Estados Unidos el dia 22 de marzo de 2012. <br />Aersonas interesadas podran revisar los cambios adoptados en el ayuntamiento durante el horario <br />regular. <br />Los cambios en los precintos electorales de distrito fueron requeridos por la delimitacion de los <br />recintos del Ayuntamiento de conformidad con ]a Constitucion de Estados Unidos y 42 U.S.C. §1973, <br />tambien conocida como la ley de derechos electorales, tras la publicacion de datos del censo de 2010. <br />Cambios en el recinto de eleccion del Consejo de la ciudad fueron disenados para Iogral- el equilibrio <br />numerico entre el recinto del Consejo y para asegurar los derechos de voto de todos los ciudadanos en la <br />ciudad de los Paris. <br />219 <br />