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NORT'HEAST TEXAS RUR.AL COMPETITIVENESS &INNOVATTON CLUSTER <br />EXECUTIVE SUMMARY AND INTEGRATED SCOPES OF WORK FOR EDA & USDA FUNDS <br />Our Regiomal Vision <br />In December 2011 the Paris Economic Development Cozporation (Paris EDC) Baazd of Directors <br />adopted a Business Plan as a result of ow work with a cross-section of civic leaders, to develop a <br />cnanufacturing stiategy and roadmap. Our vision is that, Paris and Lamar County will be a regional, <br />national and global center of excellence for advanced manufacturing of food and consumer products. <br />We strive to be "world-class" and we will have a global perspective as we implement and measure our <br />performance toward achieving our vision. Our approach is sound and grounded in proven best practices <br />in economic and community development. We will: <br />I, Identify and establish or reconnect relationships with industry and corporate decision makers to <br />cultivate opportunities for relocation and expansion into our region. <br />2. Work witlr our existing manufacturers and industry experts to understand new business models <br />and the economics and requirements for our companies to compete. <br />3. Increase our expectations for all our citizens by addressing fundamental needs that ensure our <br />competidveness- education and training, community infrastructure, entreprenewrship, quaiity and <br />responsiveness of business and public sector services, and the well being and livabiiity of our <br />community. <br />4. Create a culture of innovation and become a model of rural innavation in Texas and the US. <br />5. Raise the bar on our commiiment to the region. <br />Implementing the PIan Across the Region <br />To achieve our Vision we have Iaunched hwo unique economic development initiatives, each with very <br />specific strategies and goaIs. We will leverage grant funds with local funds to implement, measure and <br />facilitate regional partnerships and alliances by providing training and technical assistance to our <br />surrounding communities, neighbors and colleagues. Together we are stron,ger than we are separately. <br />Strategy 1: Civic Engagement and Leadership for Economic Growth (STEExi1vG CoMM177'EE) <br />Paris EDC will encourage and support the business and civic leadership of our community aud region ta <br />aetively engage in crating our econornic future. <br />Goal 1: Target 25-30 food and consumer products advanced manufacturers to the Paris and I,arnar <br />County and the NE Texas region. <br />Goa12: Meet and exceed the competitive demands of recruiting and attraction on a,glabal scale with a <br />sophisdcated and honed message, integrated online information and data, leveraged and <br />coordinated resources at all ]evels of civic leadership (public and private). <br />Strategy 2: GiobaI Recruiting, Attraction and Market Positioning (Crr7cLEADER &NE <br />TEXAS M.lNUFACTURINGALLIANCE) <br />Paris EDC will lead economic development efforts to recruit and attract new indushy, jobs and capital <br />investment as well as keep and expand existing companies in NE Texas. <br />Goal 1: Ensure that expansion and relocation grojects for targeted global brands (and other business and <br />industry) are seamless, responsive to the customer's needs, and functionally ready as promised. <br />2 <br />