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<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> ORDINANCE N0. 91-012 <br /> <br /> AN ORDINANCE Ar1ENDING ZUNING ORDINANCE N0. 1710 OF THE CITY <br /> UF' PARIS, PARIS, TEXAS AND CHANGING THE BOUNllARIES ESTABLISHED BY <br /> 'I'HE 'LONING MaP OF SAID CITY; ESTABLISHING A ONE FAMILY DWELLING <br /> DIS'TRICT N0. 3(SF-3) AND SPECIFIC USE PERMIT - MOBILE HOME (39) <br /> ON LOT 7, BLOCK G, EAST PARK ADDITION, ON PROPERTY BELONGING TO <br /> EVELYN BROWN, SO AS TO INCLUDE THEREIN TERRITORY FURMERLY <br /> UESIGNATEU AS A ONE FAMILY DWELLING llISTRICT N0. 3(SF-3); AND <br /> DESIGNATING THE BOUNDARILS UF THE ONE FAMILY DWELLING DISTRICT <br /> N0. 3(SF-3) ANll SPECIFIC USE PERrIl1' - MOBILE HOME (39) SO <br /> ESTABLISHED. <br /> BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PARIS: <br /> Section l. That the boundaries heretofore established by <br /> the Zoning Map and Urdinance No. 1710 of the City oY Paris, <br /> Paris, Texas, be, and the same are hereby changed, and that a ONE <br /> FAMILY DWELLING DISTRICT N0. 3(SF-3) AND SPECIFIC USE PERMIT - <br /> t~"iUBILE HOME (39), be, and the same is hereby established on LOT <br /> 7, BLOCK 0, EAST PARK ADDITIUN, on property belonging to EVELYN <br /> BROWIV, so as to include in sueh ONE FAMILY DWELLING DISTRICT N0. <br /> 3(SF-3) AND SPECIFIC USE PERIqIT - MOBILE HOME (39) the <br /> hereinafter described property, which was formerly and is <br /> presently designated as a ONE FArIILY DIJELLING DIST'RICT N0. 3 <br /> (SF-3), and tnat the boundaries of said ONE FAMILY DWELLING <br /> DISTRICT N0. 3(SF-3) AND SPECIFIC USE PERiKIT - rIOBILE HOME (39), <br /> be, and the same are hereby established as follows: <br /> Situated within the curporute limits of the City <br /> of Paris, County of Lamar, ar►d State of Texas, and <br /> being Lot 7, Block 0, East Park Addition, also being <br /> 1460 llth Street N.E. <br /> Section 2. That the Director of Community Development of <br /> the City of Paris, be, and he is hereby directed to change the <br /> 2oning Map cf the City of t'aris in accordance with the provisions <br /> of Ordinance No. 1710 and the land use map accompanying the same, <br /> atld in accordance with the provisions of this ordinance. <br /> Section 3. Ali ordinances and parts of ordinances in <br /> conflict herewith are hereby expressly repealed. <br /> Section 4. This ordinance shall become effective <br /> immediately upon passage. <br /> <br /> Passed and adopted by the City Council of the City of Paris, <br /> in regular session convened, in the Council Koom, City Hall, <br /> Paris, Texas, on this the 13th day cf May, 1991. <br /> . <br /> ~ <br /> 4Gege isher, Jr., Mayor <br /> <br /> <br /> AT'TEST : <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> Mattie Cunningham, Ci Cler <br /> <br /> APPROVEll AS TO FURPI: <br /> / <br /> <br /> <br /> c <br /> T. K Haynes, ity Attorney <br />