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<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> ORDINANCE N0. 87T009 <br /> <br /> AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF PARIS, PARIS, TEXAS, <br /> PROVIDING THAT APPENDIX B-1 OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES, CITY <br /> OF PARIS, BE AMENDED BY REVISING ARTICLE 2, SECTION A OF <br /> ARTICLE 3, ARTICLE 4 AND ARTICLE 5 OF SAID CODE; PROVIDING <br /> FOR THE UPDATING OF DEFINITIONS AND TREATMENT OF MOBILE <br /> HOMES AND MANUFACTURED HOUSING AS RECOMMENDED BY FEDERAL <br /> EMFRGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY; PROVIDING FOR A PENALTY NOT TO <br /> EXCEED $1,000.00; REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES QR PARTS OF <br /> ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT HEREWITH; ANB PROVIDING FOR AN <br /> EFFECTIVE DATE OF MARCH 1, 1987. <br /> BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF <br /> PARIS: <br /> Section l. That A.rticle 2 of Appendix B-1 of the <br /> Code of Ordinances of the City of Paris, Paris, Texas, be <br /> amended so that such shall read as follows: <br /> <br /> "ARTICLE 2. DEFINITIONS <br /> <br /> "Unless specifically defined below, words or <br /> phrases used in this ordinance shall be inter- <br /> preted to give them the meaning they have in <br /> common usage and to give this ordinance its most <br /> reasonable application. <br /> Administrator means the director of community <br /> development. <br /> Appeal means a rPquest for a review of the <br /> Administrator°s interpretation of any provision of <br /> this ordinance or a request for a variance. <br /> <br /> Area of Shallow Flooding means a designated <br /> AQ, AH, or VO zone on a community's Flood <br /> Insurance Rate Map (FIRM) with a one percent <br /> chance or greater annual chance of flooding to an <br /> average depth of one to three feet where a clearly <br /> defined channel does not exist, where the path of <br /> flooding is unpredictable and where velocity flow <br /> may be evident. Such flooding is characterized by <br /> ponding or sheet flow. <br /> Area of Special Flood Hazard is the land in <br /> the floodplain within a community subject to a one <br /> (1) per cent or greater chance of floading in any <br /> given year. The area may be designated as Zone A <br /> on the Flood Hazard Boundary Map (FHBM). After <br /> detailed ratemaking has been completed in prepara- <br /> tion for publication of the FIRM, Zone A usually <br /> is refined into Zones A, AE, AH, A0, A1-99, V0, <br /> V1-30, VE or V. <br /> Base Flood means the flood having a one (1) <br /> per cent chance of being equalled or exceeded in <br /> anv given year. <br /> Critical Feature means an integral and <br /> readily identifiable part of a flood protection <br /> system, withaut which the flood protection <br /> provided by the entire system would be <br /> compromised. <br /> Development means any man-made change in <br /> improved and unimproved real estate, including but <br /> not limited to buil_dings or other structures, <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> -1- <br />