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<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> the boundaries of special flood hazards have been <br /> designated as Zone A. <br /> Fload Insurance Rate Map (FIRM) means an <br /> official map of a community, on which the Federal <br /> Emergency Management Agency has delineated both <br /> the areas of special flood hazards and the risk <br /> premium zones applicable to the community. <br /> <br /> Flood Insurance Study is the official report <br /> provided by the Federal Emergency Management <br /> Agency. The report contains flood profiJes, water <br /> surf_ace elevation of the base flood, as well as <br /> the Flood Boundary-Floodwa;T Map. <br /> Flood Protection System means those physical <br /> structural works .for which funds hatae been <br /> authorized, appropriated, and expended and which <br /> have been constructed specifically to modify <br /> flooding in order to reduce the extent of the <br /> areas within a community subject to a"speczal <br /> flood hazard" and the extent of the depths of <br /> associated flooding. Such a system typically <br /> includes hurricane tidal barriers, dams, reser- <br /> voirs, levees or dikes. These specialized flood <br /> modifying works are those constructed in confor- <br /> mance with sound engineering standards. <br /> Floodway (Regulatory FZoodway) means the <br /> channel af a river or other watPrcourse and the <br /> adjacent land areas thar_ must be reserved in order <br /> to discharge the basP flood without cumulatively <br /> increasing the water surface elPVation more than a <br /> designated height. <br /> Functionally Dependent Use means a use which <br /> cunnot perform its i:ztendPd purpose unless it is <br /> located or carried out in close prox_imity to <br /> water. The term includes onlv dockir.g facilities, <br /> port facilities that are necessary 4or the loading <br /> and unloading of cargo or passengers, and ship <br /> building a.nd ship repair facilities, but daes not <br /> include long-term storage or related manu_facturing <br /> facilities. <br /> Highest Adjacent Grade means the hi.ghest <br /> natural elevation of the ground surface prior to <br /> construction next to the proposed walls of a <br /> structure. <br /> Levee means a man-made structure, usually an <br /> earthen embankment, designed and constructed in <br /> accorda.n.ce with sound engineering practices to <br /> contain, control, or divert the flow of water so <br /> as to provide protection from temporary f_looding. <br /> Levee System means a flood protection system <br /> which consists of a levee, or levees, and <br /> associ_ated structures, such as closure and <br /> drainage devices, which are constructed and <br /> operated in accordance with sound engineering <br /> practices. <br /> Lowest Floor means the lowest floor of the <br /> lowest encl.osed area (including basement). An <br /> unfinished or flood resistant enclosure, usable <br /> solely for parking or vehicles, building access or <br /> storage in an area ather than a basement area is <br /> not considered a buiZding's lowest floor; provided <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> -3- <br />