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<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> ORDTLP+ANCE NU. 84-025_ <br /> <br /> <br /> AP; ORDINANCE ANiENDING ZGT:1Nc_r ORDINANCE nC. 1710 OF THE <br /> C12'Y UF FARIS, PARIS, TEXAS AIVL CHANGING THE BCliNDARIES <br /> ESTABLISHED BY THE ZONING MAP OF SAID GITY; ESTABT.ISHING A <br /> QD?E FAMILY DWELLING llISTRICT N0. 2(SF-2) AND SPF:CIFIC USE <br /> PER1IiIT - DAY NLTRSF•.RY (25) ON LOT 3, BLGCk' B, SPRINGLAKE <br /> ADDITI0N, GN PROFERTY BFLONGING TG EVA HArIPTON, SO AS 7'0 <br /> INCLL'DE T14F,REIN TERRITORY FGF,NIER I, Y D E S I G N A T E D AS A Gl`3E <br /> FAriILY DWE1:I:7t1G L`ISTRICT PdQ . 2 ( SF-2 ANI,i DESIGNATING THE <br /> BOi1IvDAR7r;S OF THE ONE FAMILY DWELT,TNG DISTRICZ' NO. 2 (SF-2) <br /> AND SPECIFIC U'SE PEFc14IT - DAY NURSERY (95) SO ESTABLISHED. <br /> BR IT ORDAINED BY TNE CTTY COUNCIL OF Z'IiE CITY OF <br /> PA.R I S : <br /> cection 1. That the boundaries heretofore est.ablished <br /> by the Zoning Map and Ordinance No. 1710 af th.e City of <br /> Paris Paris, Texas, be, and the same are hereby changed, <br /> and tha.t a ONE FAMILY DWELLIT3C D7.STRICT N0. 2(SF-2) Al`iD <br /> SPECIFIC USE PERr1I1 - UAY NURSERY (25), be, and the same is <br /> Yrereby Fstablished on LG1 3, RI,OCK B, SPRINGLAKE ALDITION, <br /> on property belonging to EVA HAr?PTON, so as tc include in <br /> such ONE FAMILY DWELLING DISTRICT NO. 2(SF-2) AND SPECIFIC <br /> USE PERNiiT - DAY NURSERY (25) the hereina£ter_ described <br /> property, which was ~or.nerJ_y and is presently clesignated as <br /> a OPdE FAMILY DWEL•I..ING DTSTF.iC'I' NU. 2(SF-2) , and that the <br /> boundariES ot said Qr~E FAMILY DWELLING LISTRTCT NO. 2(SF-2) <br /> APdD SPECIFIC iISE PFRMIT DAY NURSERY (25), be, and the same <br /> are hereby established as follows: <br /> Situated within the corporate limits of the <br /> City of Furis, County of Lamar, ar.d Sta.te of <br /> Texa.s, anci being Lot 3, Block B, Springlake <br /> Add; t;_on to the City of Paris as shown on plat of <br /> said addition of r•ecord in Ylat Records, Lanur <br /> County, Texas. <br /> Section 2. That the Director of Community Developmert <br /> of the Ci.ty of Paris, be, and he is rte.reby dirECted tc <br /> change the Zoning riap of the City of Paris i.r_ accordance <br /> with the provisions of (;rdinance r;c. 1710 and the land use <br /> map accompanying the same, and in accordance with the <br /> provisians of this ordinance. <br /> Section 3. All ardinances and parts of ardinances in <br /> conf_lict herewitr are hereby expressly reFea]_ed. <br /> Sectian 4. This ordinance stiull effecti._ve <br /> imn?edi.ately upon passage. <br /> Passed and adopted by the City Cour_cil of the City of <br /> Pa.ris, in regular session convened, ir_ the Council_ Room, <br /> City Hali, Paris, Texas, on th9-il:gG-ra the 9th d of April, 3984. <br /> <br /> e am, Mayor <br /> <br /> ATTEST: <br /> <br /> r' <br /> 4HC : i* _ene , ity ~er~ - <br /> <br /> APP OVED T , FORrI: <br /> <br /> z../ <br /> . K. Haynes, C'~Attorney <br />