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Special Council Meeting <br />May 21, 2012 <br />Page 2 <br />Marvin Wroten received a total of thirty-four votes. John Wright was declared the winner in <br />District Three. In District Six, Cleonne Holmes Drake received a total of 209 votes and Edwin <br />Pickle received a total of 128 votes. Cleonne Holmes Drake was declared the winner in District <br />Six. <br />A Motion to approve the election returns for the Regular Municipal Election was made <br />by Council Member Grossnickle and seconded by Council Member Frierson. Motion carried, 6 <br />ayes - 0 nays. <br />5. Recognition of outgoing Council Members for their service. <br />On behalf of staff, City Council and citizens of the City of Paris, Mayor Hashmi thanked <br />Council Members Joe McCarthy, Robert Avila and Edwin Pickle for their service on the City <br />Council and presented plaques to Mr. McCarthy and Mr. Avila. Mayor Hashmi asked Ms. Ellis <br />to make sure that Mr. Pickle received his plaque. <br />6. Issuance of Certificate of Election; Administer Statement of Elected Officer to Council <br />Members; and Administer Oath of Office to newly elected Council Members. <br />Ms. Ellis issued the Certificate of Election; administered the Statement of Elected <br />Officer; and administered the Oath of Office to Council Members Aaron Jenkins, Billie S. <br />Lancaster and Cleonne Holmes Drake. <br />7. Election by City Council of Mayor and Mayor Pro-Tem to serve the City of Paris for the <br />next year. <br />Mayor Hashmi opened the floor to accept nominations for Mayor. <br />A Motion to nominate A.J. Hashmi by acclamation for Mayor was made by Council <br />Member Grossnickle and seconded by Council Members Lancaster and Wright. Mayor Hashmi <br />asked if there was any opposition and there was none. Mayor Hashmi asked for a vote on the <br />Motion. Motion carried, 6 ayes - 0 nays. <br />Mayor Hashmi closed the floor for nominations for Mayor and opened the floor to accept <br />nominations for Mayor Pro-Tem. <br />A Motion to nominate Richard Grossnickle by acclamation for Mayor Pro-Tem was <br />made by Mayor Hashmi and seconded by Council Member Frierson. Mayor Hashmi asked if <br />there was any opposition and there was none. Mayor Hashmi asked for a vote on the Motion. <br />Motion carried, 6 ayes - 0 nays. <br />11 <br />