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APPLICATION FOR DISANNEXATION <br />NAME OFAPPLICANT(S): 1 lOb~,!-~ QY16L RDh'j ,I U <br />. J <br />MAILING ADDRESS: PO BO X Io D~ PDI,I"~S~ IeC cz.(~ 75- <br />~f <br />TELEPHONE NUMBER: ~d 3"~l 7' 7~J ~f S <br />VOTING DISTRICT NUMBER: `t <br />(this information may be obtained through the City Clerk of the City of Paris) <br />VOTER REGISTRATION NUMBER: _/DI ?6 q 7411J(o <br />ADDRESS OF PROPERTY: 'q(oDS S~l I/ hou5'c lZct <br />REQUIREMENTS: Attach a complete copy of the latest deed of record for the above- <br />described property evidencing ownership. This deed must include a legal description of <br />the property requested to be disannexed along with a plat or a drawing indicating the area <br />to be disannexed. <br />I/We understand that the City of Paris has no obligation to disannex property except <br />as may be required by law. This application must be completed, in its entirety, with all <br />re attach <br />Applica Si a re Date <br />11 L <br />Appli s Signature Date <br />MAY 9 FHZ :51 <br />80 <br />I/We, the undersigned owner(s) of the above-described property, do hereby <br />petition the City of Paris to disannex my/our property for the following reasons: <br />