Nelson Surveyi
<br />ng Company
<br />920 North Main Street Paris, 75460
<br />903-7E5-3551 `ex 903-785-3399 e-mail jimn(d)s,
<br />Jim Nelson, owner rr;. rveison, rceaisterec Nrntessionaf Land Surveyor nf Texas, 94025
<br />~ nt~c firlc nOlr ar! 10~ us' onlr o,b~e 'D~OUC n• MKnna' errbf~c[ to Sun.rVn, a~c~~..~r ~.n I.,n.~.... _ . .
<br />t~~~••~~^'t J15I1~ ~ 14581 S!ilihouse F,oaC / L: r^, ;-511 DO RP,u>se!' : 786
<br />~I_~~~ NOTES
<br />Situaied about 3 miles No-th 2-:--° E2s; of, the Ci±y of Fars, County of Lamar, and Staie of Texas, a
<br />F,ar of the Redoin Russell Sur-vev r; 8e, and bein;i a parl of tra~ ; 2, a calied 48 acre tract of land
<br />conveyec ie Wiiliam Buo Newman et ux by deed reCOrOeo in VoL Sio, Paoe 562, of ihe Deed Records ol-
<br />said Couniy and State.
<br />Beginnino at a'<" capped (JWIN - 4025) iron pin (s) tor comer ir, the Northwester!y Soundary Line o;
<br />Stillhouse Road i Lamar County Rcad : 4 1i 00 al the preseni Southe2s1 comer of said Newman 48 acre
<br />;~ac?, said iron pin being the Northe2st come; of ihai portion of a calied 101.47 acre trac, of land
<br />cDnveyed to Oscar Duraoan by deed reco;ded in Voi. 214, Paae `59, of said D°ed Pecords, thal lies on
<br />Lh° Norihw°st side of said F,oad.
<br />i nence North 89°59'22^ VVeS alone a pa "jial fence along the South 3oundary Line oi Said Npwman
<br />48 ac;= iral~ a disiance of 561.10 feet tc 2'/:" cappej (JMN - 4025) iron pin (s) ior comer, said iron pin
<br />D°ina in the Easlerly Norih Boundary Line oi a called 172.5 acre ,ract o; land conveyed to M2y Belle
<br />Duracan by oeed rzcorJed in Vol. 20E, r^acn 315, o; said Deed Records, said iron pin a!so being the
<br />JOUtilQfly SOlltf7p25i C01T1°f of 2%8.`29 acre fi2- Ji land surveyed ih!S same day;
<br />ThB:lce tJorr, 12°SZ'44" VVes a d:siance of 715.E.'
<br />'ee` to acapa°d (JMN - 4C25) iron pin (s) for
<br />comer a; an e' comer ot said 78.329 acre tra-t:
<br />; nence South 89`5S22" =a5 2 d:sian;,e iF,et tJ G.. capa°d (JMW - 4025) iron pin (s1 ior
<br />comer a1 an el comp~ oi said 78..29 acre trac'; '
<br />i li?!1C° SDUt h 1Z °i:2,'4i" C25i aI Of10 c f°l1C° a di$,anCe 0.` 296,92 ieei f0 14 CBDp°0 .~f~h~ - 40r'
<br />l, IfOi i
<br />,)ln i,S) iDT ;pmor ai 2 5outhwes corC; Oi Salu 78,320, 20i? lia(cl: .
<br />h°fl:'P NO;rtn, 79°OC'22" .'_25; 210i1❑ 2 1°;l,^,e c7;5'icf1C° 0f 30: 3' I°O: j^v c'.~ ^l
<br />CzppGd ;!lA'~~ - 422~,
<br />iro~. pin ;s; tor comer at an e! corne; o; saio 7F.~2= acre tra~ :
<br />i ilEflc° SOUt~ 5`3°24'54° C25t 810n-J 2 Cafilal i°T1Ce a disiance 7i 38I.23 fB°t i0 c'z2ri-°.r.' (Ji1W
<br />4~25,; iron Pin (Sl i0f %Of71°~ ai iho =25i°rIL' JOU1h..2Si c?fil„, Oi 521i r - '
<br />- ° °
<br />a.= 2 2G'E tf2Ci~
<br />; henc-_ 21ong tne Northw?s'~eri\ 5ounci2n ! ine o4 saic Stillhou;e %oad Lamar Countv i-oad ;-41 100
<br />2; ioh04'.,:. JOLIi'. .iF`G=7R /vc;i P. 01s-,
<br />~J' , ^n• _ 2'1:~_ o' ' 2^~... T_°o..' ; 1:, c ~ r : aDD°C I;
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