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RIU'1u1RW 1JR""- <br />CONSTRUCTION COMPANY <br />April 4, 2012 <br />Attn: Mr. Shawn Napier, City Engineer <br />City of Paris <br />135 First Street Southeast <br />Paris, TX 75460 <br />(903) 784-9292 <br />Fax (903) 784-1798 <br /> <br />Re: 24t' Street Bridge <br />Dear Mr. Napier: <br />As per your request we have prepared this proposal for your consideratian. The <br />work is described as follows: <br />1. Install temporary dams on both sides of Sandy Creek Bridge on 24"' Street with <br />(3) 6" gasketed pipes to divert water past 2°d dam. Pump water trapped between <br />dams downstream to dry creek bed. <br />2. Build temporary ramp on east side of bridge to allow equipment access and to <br />protect 8" sewer line. Demo approximately 14 ft. x 15 ft. concrete area in creek <br />bottom around abandoned water line and leave in place for Rip Rap and also to <br />widen channel. <br />3. Move existing Rip Rap that has eroded aut to creek bottom for more Rip Rap and <br />leave as whale as possible. <br />4. Instail concrete Rip Rap 6" thick with No. 3 rebaz on 12" centers and No. 4 <br />dowels into existing Rip Rap on 12" centers with 4 ft. toe beam 6" wide with No. <br />3 rebar on 12" centers with 4 ft. tae beam 6" wide with No. 3 rebar on 12" <br />centers. Rip Rap to be 33 ft. long x 11 ft. wide with rough broom finish. <br />5. Repair erosion to approximately 200 f.t to cast of centerline of bridge to <br />approximately 300 ft. west of centerline of bridge using exist?ng soil an add slight <br />bends in channel to slow flow as much as possible. <br />6. Remove temporary ramps and dams to allow water flow. <br />• 903.132.4781 • EAX-903.732.4340 <br />90 HWy 271 N . POWDERLY, TEXAS • 75473 <br />i <br />' EXH'~~IW <br />112 <br />