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EASEMENT ABANDONMEIVT <br />STATE OF TEXAS } <br />} KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: <br />COUNTY OF LAMAR } <br />That the City of Paris, Texas a home rule municipality of the County of Lamar, State of <br />Texas, acting by and through its City Manager, duly authorized by Resolution No. , for <br />and in consideration of the sum of Ten and no/100 Dollars ($10.00) cash and other good and <br />valuable consideration, to it in hand paid by Earl and Carrie Bethea, the receipt and sufficiency of <br />which is hereby acknowledged; has abandoned, and quitclaimed, and by these presents does <br />hereby abandon and quitclaim unto the said Earl and Carrie Bethea, the owners of Lot 3, Block B <br />Townwood Estates, City of Paris, Lamar County, Texas the City of Paris' interest in the fifteen foot <br />(15') utility easement located on the south side of Lot 3, Block B of the Townwood Estates <br />Subdivision, City of Paris, Lamar County, Texas, as more particularly described and depicted in <br />Exhibit "1" attached hereto. <br />TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above described property unto Earl and Carrie <br />Bethea, for the purposes aforesaid, together with all and singular, the rights and <br />appurtenances thereto in anywise belonging unto the said CITY OF PARIS, its <br />successors and assigns forever. This conveyance shall be without warranty of any <br />kind, whether express or implied. <br />WITNESS its hand at Paris, Texas, this 14th day of May 2012. <br />Gene Anderson, City Manager <br />ATTEST: <br />Janice Ellis, City Clerk <br />EXHIBIT <br />