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increase. If LES SOR disagrees with LES SEE' s determination of said adjustment, LES SOR shall, <br />by or before March 20 of each year, calculate the rate increase appropriately and notify LESSEE, in <br />writing, of the appropriate monthly rental rate, as adjusted. If LESSOR does not object to LESSEE's <br />calculation of the rate adjustment as provided herein, then the rate adjustment provided by LESSEE <br />shall be deemed approved. In any event, beginning with the monthly payment due April 1 of each <br />year, LESSEE shall pay the adjusted monthly rate as determined herein. If, for any reason, the CPI <br />adjustment would result in a decrease in the monthly rental due, the previous year's rental shall <br />remain in effect. In no event shall the monthly rental rate be decreased. <br /> <br /> It is further agreed by LESSOR and LESSEE that LESSOR shall have the option to renew <br />such Lease for two additional periods of five (5) years each, the initial monthly rental for the renewal <br />to be at the last rate of the original term, with a like payment due on or before the first day of each <br />month thereafter during the remainder of the term of the first option. The granting of said first option <br />shall be on substantially the same terms and conditions of this original Lease, including the annual <br />rental CPI adjustment. LESSOR shall send written notice to LESSEE sixty (60) days in advance of <br />the end of the original term or optional extended term notifying LES SEE or LES SOR's intention to <br />extend the Lease for an additional five (5) year period. <br /> <br /> IN CONSIDERATION HEREOF, it is mutually agreed by and between LESSOR and <br />LESSEE: <br /> <br /> 1. That LESSEE pay to LESSOR, or order, at the City Hall in the City of Paris, the <br /> <br />agreed rental in advance, promptly and without neglect, default, and delay. <br /> <br /> 2. That this Lease is subject to all the terms, provisions, and conditions of the deed of <br /> <br />conveyance of such premises from the United States of America to the City of Paris, recorded in <br /> <br />Lease Agreement - Page 2 <br /> <br /> <br />