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SECTION I <br />NOTICE TO BIDDERS <br />NOTICE TO BIDDERS OF THE INTE NT4~N ~ <br />TO AWARD A CONSTRUCTION CO FOR THE REHABILITATION OF THE <br />EAST ELEVATED WATER STORAGE TANK. <br />Sealed bids will be received from qualified contractors addressed to City of Paris, Public <br />Works Buildin 50 West Hickor Street Paris Texas 75460 or delivered to the same <br />address unti12:00 PM, APRIL 17, 2012, for furnishing all labor, materials and equipment <br />for the work required for rehabilitation of the water storage tank as listed in the <br />specifications for the East Elevated Water Storage Tank Rehabilitation Project, prepared <br />by Dunham Engineering, Inc. Proposals will be publicly opened and read aloud at the <br />address above at the same time and date. Any bid received after the above closing time <br />will be returned unopened. <br />The work consists of rehabilitating a one million gallon elevated water storage tank <br />located in Paris, Texas. and <br />sub Bids shall include one (1) original o f nro1 al f urnished ySea ed en e opess hall be <br />sealed envelope upon the blank fo p po <br />marked in the upper left hand corner as follows: <br />"DO NOT OPEN IN MAIL ROOM <br />SEALED BID <br />EAST ELEVATED WATER STORAGE TANK REHABILITATION PROJECT <br />TO BE OPENED: 2•00 PM, APRIL 17, 2012" <br />All proposals shall be accompanied by a cashier's or certified check upon a national or <br />state bank in the amount of 5% of the toeas b d am°nnt~pa aigua an ee that the b dder <br />bond in the same amount from a rehabl y op Y as <br />will enter into a contract and exec hout check or bd bond w11 not beh fifteen <br />ed. <br />(15) days after notice of award. Bids wrt <br />All payment and performance bonds must be issued by a surety licensed by the Texas <br />Department of Insurance and must have a minimum Best Key Rating Guide of "A" or <br />"A_11 <br />SECTION I -1 <br />