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June 4, 2001 <br /> <br />JUN 08 2001 <br /> <br />Planning & Zoning Commission, CITE ATTORNEY <br /> : P/tRIS, ?EX 8 <br />This letter is to inform the Planning & Zoning Commission of how disappointed I was to <br />personally witness how "pitiful" the planning and zoning process is within the City of <br />Paris. The specific meeting was held on June 4, 2001 at 5:30 PM. <br /> <br />I received a letter from the City of Paris, infbrming me the planning and zoning <br />commission was considering a proposed change in zoning. Per the letter, dated May 23, <br />2001, the proposed change is as follows: from a Two-Family Dwelling District (2F), to a <br />One Family Dwelling District No. 3 (SF-3) With Specific Use Permit (39) Mobile <br />Homes, Lots 19 and 20, City Block 160, being numbers 1050 and 1106 5m SE. The letter <br />continued that as an interested property owner within 200 feet of this proposed change, I <br />was invited to make my views known. What a wonderfnl opportunity. I actually went <br />there believing my opposition to just such a zoning change would not fall on confused <br />ears. I was wrong. <br /> <br />At this meeting, there was a great deal of confusion about exactly what was a mobile <br />home and what was manufactured housing. Several times, the property owner requesting <br />the proposed change stated his intentions of placing a "mobile home" on the property. It <br />was not until the representatives of a local manufactured home dealer influenced him to <br />realize it was not in his best interest to continue referring to them as "mobile homes". All <br />of a sudden, the mobile home became manufactured housing. Also this appeared to sway <br />a planning and zoning commissioner who xvas originally emphatic there is no difference <br />in the two. Somehow, in his mind too, the mobile home became manuf:actured housing. <br />While I do not profess to be an expert on this subject, I certainly would hope that thc <br />officials that are responsible for passing or denying would at least understand the basics <br />of what they are considering. I also ~vould hope they would get their education from <br />someone other than a business trying to sell one. <br /> <br />There was also significant confusion on how the proposed "Master Plan" viewed mobile <br />homes/manufactured housing (even the manufactured housing representative raised this <br />question). There was even confusion on what are the current guidelines fbr this type of <br />housing (a p&z member asked if a driveway could be added and Steve Methven said one <br />was already a requirement). <br /> <br />it is important to note, the issue at hand was specifically stated as "Mobile Home" per the <br />City of Paris, May 23,2001 letter. Even the manufi~ctured housing representative implied <br />that "mobile homes" ~vere substandard. While I am still amazed at witnessing the miracle <br />of a mobile home becoming manufactured housing, does the planning and zoning action <br />potentially allow for the property owner to move-in a "Mobile Home"? While I'm sure <br />this is an issue for the la',wers, it appears to have created a loophole. <br /> <br />Also of concern is the actual date of the City Council meeting where the City Council <br />will take action on this proposed change. Per the letter, this meeting xvill be on Monday, <br />June 11,2001. During the Planning and Zoning Meeting a member of the Planning and <br />Zoning Commission stated the meeting is Thursday, June 7, 2001. Obviously more <br />confusion is introduced to an already confusiug situation. When is it'? <br /> <br /> <br />