WARRANTY DEED c~ o -' --
<br />
<br />THE STATE OF TEXAS ) I =:-.r t -. -~
<br /> I~OW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: .-.. cq · -,
<br />
<br /> c~ :, ~ q : '~ 5-'.:
<br />COUNTY OF LAMAR ) :-: r'-: --
<br />
<br /> THAT WE, PHYLLIS LANDERS PAINTER, of tOe County of Delta Stat&ofTexas, ~E ?:
<br />EDWIN LANDERS and BETTY SUE LANDERS J~CKSON, both of the County of Dallas, State
<br />of Text, and JO~ HOW~ L~DERS, of the Coun~ of Tarrant, State of Texas (herein called
<br />"grantom"), lbr and in consideration oFthe suni ofTen ($10.00) and more Dollars cash to us in hand paid
<br />by HAM ~ND T, INC., A Texas Corporation, receipt of which in full is hereby ac~owledged;
<br /> have Granted, Sold and Conveyed, and by these presenB do Grant, Sell and Convey unto HAbl
<br />
<br />AND T, INC., A Texas Corporation (herein called "grantee"), of the County of Lamar, State of Texas,
<br />whcre its mailing address is ['>~,~ [.x~Vs,,,~v' A~'~- ~t~)q'/'[~7~×. , all that certain tract or
<br />
<br />parcel of land in Lamar County, Texas described as follows:
<br />
<br /> A part of the LARKIN, RATTAN SURVEY within the corporate limits of the City of Paris,
<br />described by metes and bounds as follows:
<br /> BEGINNING at the SW comer of the lot or parcel or'land conveyed to W. FI. Turner on May 11,
<br />1911, by deed of record in Book 137, Page 185, Lamar County Deed Records;
<br /> THENCE SOUTH with the WB line ora lot or parcel of land conveyed to W. B. Kendall on
<br />December 14, 1911, by deed of record in the Deed Records of Lamar County, Texas, 111 feet to the NB
<br />line of East Price Street;
<br /> THENCE EAST with the NB line of East Price Street 65 feet;
<br /> THENCE NORTH 111 feet to the SE comer of a lot or parcel of land conveyed by T. G. Hanley
<br />to W. H. Turner on May 11, 1911, by deed of record iu the Deed Records of Lamar County, Texas;
<br /> THENCE WEST 65 feet to the place of beginning, and being the same property described in deed
<br />to Edwin A. Landers and wife, Mae Lorene Landers, dated September 21, 1970, of record in Book 519,
<br />Page 473, Lamar County Deed Records; reference being made to all the above mentioned instruments
<br />and records for all necessary purposes.
<br />
<br /> TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the within described premises, together with all and singular the
<br />rights and appurtenances thereto in anywise belonging unto ItAM AND T, INC., A Texas Corporation,
<br />its successors or assigns forever, and grantors he,'eby bind themselves, their heirs, executors,
<br />
<br />RP 10:l.2.00
<br />
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