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ORDINANCE NO. 2246 . <br />AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF PARIS, PARIS, TEXAS, <br />PROVIDING THAT THE CODE OF ORDINANCES, CITY OF PARIS, <br />PARIS, - TEXAS, BE AMENDED BY REVISING SECTIONS 31-3(a) <br />AND 31-26, PROVIDING FOR AN INCREASE IN WATER AND <br />SEWER TAP FEES AND PROVIDING FOR AN INCREASE IN THE <br />RECONNECTION FEE; PROVIDING FOR A PENALTY NOT TO <br />EXCEED $200.00; REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES OR PARTS OF <br />ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT HEREWITH; AND PROVIDING FOR <br />AN EFFECTIVE DATE OF DECEMBER l, 1975. <br />BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF <br />PARIS: <br />Section 1. That Section 31-3(a) of the Code of Ordinances of <br />the City of Paris, Paris, Texas, be amended so that such shall read <br />as follows: <br />"(a) Each person desiring a water or sewer tap within the city <br />shall make application to the department of public works and shall <br />pay a fee for each such tap as follows: <br />(1) Each water tap in or across a hard-surfaced <br />street, $168.00. <br />(2) Each sewer tap in or across a hard-surfaced <br />street, $150.00. <br />(3) Each water tap in or across an unimproved or <br />dirt street, or in an area not in a public <br />street, $79.00. <br />(4) Each sewer tap in or across an unimproved or <br />dirt street, or in an area not in a public <br />street, $56. 00. " <br />Section 2. That Section 31-26 of the Code of Ordinances of <br />the City of Paris, Paris, Texas, be amended so that such shall read <br />as follows: <br />"Sec. 31-26. Discontinuance of water service for failure to pay. <br />If any person shall fail to pay the bill for water service or for <br />sewer service rendered to such person by the city before the expira- <br />tion of ten (10) days after the date on which such bill is due and <br />payable, the water service of such person shall be discontinued, and <br />such service shall not again be resumed until such person shall have <br />paid the delinquent water and sewer bill in full, together with a re- <br />connection fee of seven dollars ($7. 00). It shall be unlawful for <br />any person, other than a duly authorized employee of the city, to <br />reconnect such service. " <br />Section 3. Any person violating any of the provisions of this <br />ordinance shall be guilty of a Class "C" Misdemeanor, and upon <br />conviction shall be fined in any sum not to exceed $200. 00. <br />