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Section 5. That the sum of $342, 110. 00 is hereby appropriated <br />out of the Water and Sewer Revenue Bond Fund for the purpose of pay- <br />accrued interest and making the principal payments as the same mature <br />on the water and sewer revenue bonds, and creating the prescribed con- <br />tingent and reserve funds therefor. <br />Section 6. That the sum of $744, 100. 00 is hereby appropriated <br />out of the Revenue Sharing Fund for the payment of operating expenses <br />and capital outlay of the City Government, as hereinafter itemized: <br />GENERAL GOVERNMENT: 000.00 <br />City Council $85, <br />Administrative 7, 500. 00 <br />Total $92, 500. 00 <br />PUBLIC SAFETY: <br />Fire 85, 000. 00 85, 000. 00 <br />PUBLIC WORKS: <br />Parks & Recreation 7,425.00 <br />Sanitation 90, 000. 00 <br />Streets & Highways 469, 175. 00 <br />Total 566, 600. 00 <br />Grand Total $744, 100. 00 <br />Section 7. That the sum of $529, 318. 00 is hereby authorized <br />out of airport revenues for the payment of operating expenses and <br />capital outlay of the Airport Department, as hereinafter itemized: <br />AIRPORT: <br />Cox Field $529, 318. 00 <br />Grand Total <br />$529, 318. 00 <br />Section 8. A.11 ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict <br />herewith are hereby repealed. <br />Section 9. This ordinance shall be and remain in full force and <br />effect from and after its passage and approval by the City Council of <br />the City of Paris. <br />Read, adopted and approved by the City Council at a regular <br />meeting held at the City Hall in the City of Paris, this lOth day of June, <br />1974. <br />ATTEST: <br />App&V,F,p~''~TO FORM: <br />4~1 <br />qfes_'*M.runettt , ayor <br />aT~nesrCity Attorney <br />