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Jun UEi 1?Uy:'~'La 5pann C;c^c=ete <br />36/05l2@12 15:18 9037041798 <br />TIiE STATE OF'Z'EXAS <br />COUNTY OF LAMAR <br />CITY QF F'ARIS <br />yu:s-~~~Z -(3~) I 5 <br />P, I <br />r•AGE Q2%63 <br />CQNTRACTOR'S AFFIDAVIT OF <br />FIPIAL PAYMEN'i` AND RELEASE <br />BEFQRE )4E,- 1 the undersigrted authority, on this day personaUy appeared <br />wtxo, after being dulg sworn, deposes and says that <br />he is of Spann Concrete Construction, i.LP a I,imite d Yarmers}iip <br />of Lamar eounty, State of Texas (the "Contractor"), wYzich said CQntractor was nwarded the <br />eontract dated Becember 20, 2010, fo: the Feristyle renovation project in Bywaters Park <br />("The Work") for a torat cnnsideration of 'TWO HUNDRED FQR'I'Y PQIJR THOUSAa D <br />FQRTY yINE UC7LLARS AND 03 f 1Q0 (244,049,03). The Leadership in l,atnar Coun.ty <br />of 2009-2010 paid $68,055.67. Keep Paris Beavtiful paid $10,000A0, Movies ln the Park <br />paid $1200.00 and $13,975,87 t,vas paid tiy The City of Paris fram ttie Hotel MOtei Tax for <br />E(istoric PreservatSon use. The balante due is Ten 'fhoUSand Three Hundred Fifty iNirte <br />Aaitars and 06Ji04 ($10.359.06) tv be paid to Spann Loncrete Construction, L:.P <br />("CotttracCar") anu the affiant has full power arsd aukhority to make this afFdavit- <br />That the City of Paris (the "Owner") has approved the final payment and that the said <br />Co»tracto: has fuliy satisfied and paid any and at] claims that may be covered by Chaptee <br />53 of the T'exas Property Code, and Ar;icle 5160 of the Revised Civil 5tattttes ot'the State of <br />Texas or any nther apnlicable statuCes or charter provisions, and that all just bi?Is `or labor, <br />equipnlenG and materSals have been paid and disclaarged by said ContYactor inscfar as they <br />pertain to the Work itt question. <br />That in addition LQ any funds which rnay have been previously paid by the Owner, the <br />Contractor hereby accepts the amoun: of 'Z'en Thausand Three Hundred Fiity NiTte Dtillal's <br />and 06/104 ($10,359.06), as EULL AND FINAL PAYMENT under fine aforemencioned <br />Co:itraa, and hereby Watves and releases any right Affiant and/'or the Contrac:tur may hdvc <br />to pursue claims of any nature against the Owner arising out of our in any manner <br />caanected wiCh the perforrnance of the Work and/or the Contract, including but not Iimitcd <br />to claims of third oartie5 :hat sugplied material and/or tabaz for the Work for or thrvugh <br />the Contractc+r ("SubMnti'Af.tnr,"), as wf-tl ar, claim.s far detay, additionai cflmpensation or <br />for recavery of liquida:ed darnages which may have been w3thheld by t-he Owner. The <br />Contractor $hali defend, hold harmless ar.d indernnSfy the Qume.r Froza any such c'iaims of <br />such 5ubcontractors. The Contramr further releases the Owner from ar.y daim or <br />liabiIiry arising from any act or neglect of t.he Owmer related to ar connerted with the <br />Cpntract. This afficiavit, is gaven pursuant to tfie final pa,vment pravisions of the eontracG <br />and shail not be deemed to altei- or rnodify the terms and provisidns of said Contrac' • <br />~ <br />