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This chapter, however, shall not prohibit the dis- <br />playing of flags and other emblems not otherwise prohi- <br />bited by law, provided the flag or emblem, when sus- <br />pended over a street, or public space, are securely <br />fastened to the supporting cable by one edge only, and <br />be allowed to swing free and further provided that per- <br />mission to display the flags or emblems has been ob- <br />tained from the City Inspector. The supporting cable <br />shall be of sufficient strength and anchored so as to <br />meet the approval of the City Inspector. <br />The City Inspector may grant a temporary suspension <br />of the second paragraph of this section at such times as <br />they may deem expedient on special occasions, or while <br />festivals, or celebrations are being held. <br />(b) Swinging signs. Every sign shall be rigidly <br />hung so that it will not swing or vibrate in a strong <br />wind. <br />(c) Wooden signs. No wooden signs shall be attach- <br />ed to or fastened flat against the wall of any building, <br />or hung in any other manner, inside the fire limits. <br />(d) Movable signs, barber poles, etc. No movable <br />signs, barber poles, etc., shall be placed on any public <br />space. <br />(e) Hazardous signs. No si gn which constitutes a <br />hazard to vehicular traffic shall be placed in the City <br />of Paris. <br />(f) Nuisance signs. No sign shall be placed in <br />such a manner as to constitute a nuisance as that term is <br />defined herein. <br />Section -10. Billboards and ground signs--Location. <br />No billboard or ground sign shall be erected in or <br />project over any street, alley or public space. <br />No billboard or ground sign shall be erected within <br />eight (8) feet of any residence or be so placed as to <br />obstruct the lighting of any street, alley or public <br />space, or interfere with any public utility service. <br />No billboard shall be closer than six (6) feet to <br />any building, nor to the side line of any lot, nor <br />closer than fifteen (15) feet to any street line; fur- <br />thermore, in all cases where the front line of any <br />building within fifty (50) feet of the billboard is <br />more than fifteen (15) feet from the street line, then <br />the billboard shall not be nearer to the street line <br />than the front line of the building is from the street <br />line. <br />This section shall. not apply where adjoining lots <br />are used for business purposes, nor where two-thirds <br />(2/3) of the buildings within three hundred (300) feet <br />of the location on the same side of the street and with- <br />in the same block are used for business purposes; pro- <br />vided that there are three (3) or more buildings within <br />the prescribed area used for business purposes. <br />