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T) Successar to th,2jntexestod Parties - thilt in ttio <br />........._.._...__..__.a.. ....,r.."_..~._ , <br />event oa~ «_>iy occurrence xenc+ering the Uistrict and/ox <br />the C;ty incapablc of ppxfornair.g under :±his cantxact, <br />any succussor the pastr,xet o-- tho Caty, whethex the <br />xesults qf 1Q,a1 process, assignrtent, or o4hexwi.sel <br />shall su6cc2a to the ;i.gntc of the District ox the <br />City hcreunder, <br />8) Exclusive tala to Water Gi,strs.ct that fihc City agxees <br />durii~47th lia:c: o: n.s c 0 ntx4;,t a: a n y extenszon <br />there`..a that it wzl.1, not sell, trc~atcd ceatcr to any <br />pexson, pcrsons, ox fa.xr,:s outside the City Limits of <br />f'aris tor puxpose of xesa)_e, The Caty shal' cQntinug <br />to serVe customerF' localed outsi&! the City Limits <br />on czty ow.i4d wat~-x :nains. The G;;ty sh.-All not pxovade <br />water serv:;.ce b--yond the pexzphexy of the fzxst <br />xepxessurization Etation except that th:~, Czty shal1 <br />have tho r_ic;ht t.o tx.eateo c:ater to any oz all <br />industr. ial and car.inez cial usoz sin any axe<a of t;ic <br />bistxict pr,ovided said usex ::s not an <br />Custo"i4x of the Distr.i.ct. The Distxict syalZ not <br />se12 water wj_th`rrj the pe_.'ipheXy nf the neRStc:x ncters <br />unless app,:oUcc3 by the Ci,ty. <br />9) Const: uct::or. Cor,txo? all design ant; <br />shall h` the SOle -xesponsibility <br />of th~ Dcxcept that the City shal.,. have the <br />right to a?provc the doszo <br />n a:-ic3 cpnstruct:on planE', i <br />of any facility lyir.g betweer: the mastcmeter and <br />the fixst xcpressurization statzon. A11 constzucf:iort <br />between the t7aS1:r!r me*er and the fi,xst repressuxization <br />station shall con'Loxm to the standaxdJ o," the <br />City of Paris and sha2'_ be built of the following <br />minzmuri matez ia1. ; : <br />Pipe 31' I,D. and Ih!'9ex -ASbestos Cem,?r.t oz C. I. <br />Pipe 6" I.D. an.l sr-axlez - Cast Irpp ox Copper <br />10) Raw wa*,.r.r tp,j.r, c(--ztxP.ct dPes npt p:,ovi_de foX the <br />salc *o or purchas.~ by the Di stxict of any raw watex e <br />31) Savinqs_Clause n) provision of this cantxact shall. <br /> <br />be xetrc~a~t_ <br />ive o-I the eff6ctivc date of said contxact. <br />. 1,~' <br />