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ORDINANCE NO. 1941 <br />AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 1406, ARTICLE XVII, <br />OF THE CITY OF PARIS, PARIS, TEXAS, STOPPING, STANDING, OR <br />PARKING PROHIBITED IN SPBCIFIED PLACES, BY ADDING THERETO <br />SDCTION 10, PROHIBITING THE PARKING OR STANDING OF ANY TRUCK <br />TRACTOR, ROAD TRACTOR, TRAILER, SEMI-TRAILER, BUS OR ANY <br />COMMERCIAL MOTOR VEHICLE WITH A RATED CAPACITY OF ONE AND <br />ONE-HALF (12) TONS OR MORE ACCORDING TO THE MANUFACTURERS <br />CLASSIFICATION, OR THE EQUIVALENT THEREOF, UPON ANY PUBLIC <br />STR EET, ALLEY, PARKWAY, BOULEVARD OR PUBLIC PARKS WITHIN OR <br />ADJACENT TO ANY AREA ZONED AS PN ONE-FAMILY DWELLING DISTRICT <br />(SF-12 SF-2 OR SF-3), TWO FAMILY DWELLING DISTRICT (2F) OR <br />MLTLTIPLE FAMILY DWELLING DISTRICT (MF-1 OR MF-2); PROVIDING <br />FOR A FINE NOT TO EXCEED MORE THAN $200.00; REPEALING ALL <br />ORDINANCFS IN CONFLICT HEREWITH; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFDC- <br />TIVE DATE OF FEBRUARY 2~ 1970. <br />BE IT ORDAINED BY TH E CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PARIS, <br />PARIS, TEXAS; <br />Section l. That Ordinance No. 1406, Article XVII, of the <br />City of Paris, Paris, Texas, "Stopping, Standing, or Parking <br />Prohibited in Specified Places," be amended by adding thereto: <br />°}Section 10. Parking restritions in residential area. <br />It shall be unlawful for uany person to leave, park or stand any <br />truck tractor, road tractor, trailer, semi-trailer, bus or any <br />commercial motor vehicle with a rated capacity of one and one- <br />~ half (1z) tons or more according to the manufacturers classifi- <br />cation, or the equivalent thereof, upon any public street, alley, <br />parkway, boulevard or public parks within or adjacent to any area <br />zoned as either an One-Family Dt,velling District (SF-1, SF-2 or <br />SF-3), Two Family Dwelling District (2F) or Multiple Family <br />Dwelling District (MF-1 or MF-2) under the Zoning Ordinance of <br />the City of Paris, Paris, Texas. This section shall not prevent <br />the parking or standing of the above described vehicles in such <br />zoned areas for the purpose of expeditiously loading and unload- <br />ing of passengers, freight or merchandise, and provided this <br />section shall not apply to street construction, maintenance and <br />repair equipment, trucks, rollers and implements; to equipment, <br />trucks, trailers and vehicles used by public service utility <br />companies engaged in repairing or extending public service utili- <br />ties; and to motor buses when taking on or discharging passengers <br />at the customary bus stops." <br />Section 2. That any person found guilty of violating the <br />provisions of this ordinance shall be guilty of a misdemeanor <br />and upon conviction shall be fined a sum not to exceed 1~vo <br />Hundred ($200.00) Dollars. <br />Section 3. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in con- <br />flict herewith are hereby repealed. <br />Section 4. This ordinance shall become effective on the <br />2nd day of February, 1970. <br />