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of said Estimates, the City Council <br />(e) That upon the filing <br />did, by ordinance duly enacted on the 8oh bea held ~C7mOOr, <br />1969, provide for and order a hearing ' <br />o'clock P. M., on the 12th day of January, 19702 in the <br />City Council Room, City Hall, Paris, Texas, at which time <br />and place all persons, firms, corporations and estates <br />owning or claiming any such abutting property2 or any in- all terest therein, and their agents and attorneyearaand to <br />other persons interested co~sel2 were di- <br />be heard in person or by , rected that the City Clerkve due notice of such hearing <br />in the manner required by law. <br />(f) That after due publication of notice, as required by law, <br />on the 12th day of Jaand o'clock <br />said hearing was opened lace an oppor- <br />ordinance and notice, at which time and P arties <br />tunity was given to all of the above mentioned p <br />and their agents and attorneys to be heard or offer evi- <br />dence as to all matters in accordance with ea~d orddinantesce <br />and notice, at which time the following app <br />tified as follows: <br />J. E. Albright, the Director of Public Works of ted1to <br />of Paris, briefly described the improvements PoTPosionment <br />be constructed and explained the method of app <br />of the costs of such improvements <br />ownerstthereofe City and <br />the abutting property <br />The City Attorney then pointed out that notice of the <br />hearing had been published in the Paris News at the time <br />and in the manner required by law, and that such con- <br />tained proposed rates to be assessed against the abutting <br />property and its owners and the estimated o£t~he~o~ice <br />of the whole improvement, and thaTOaT~PY~ers. <br />had been mailed to the abutting p PeY o <br />The City Manager, C. L. Walker, testified and advised <br />the Council of the respective values of the improvements <br />and the degree to which they enhanced the value of the <br />respective abutting property and that, in his opinion, <br />the abutting properties, and each of them3 would, if said <br />street were imgroved, in accordance wit h the contract and <br />plans and speci~hanttheSproposedaassessmentsuagainst such <br />amount greater <br />properties. <br />(g) That at said hearing the following property owners were <br />present and offered objections or testimony as to said <br />improvements, contracts or assessments therefor, or as <br />to proceedings with reference thereto. <br />(1) Bob B. Baker <br />