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CITY COUNCIL AGENDA ITEM BRIEFING SHEET <br />Submittal Date: Originating Department: Presented By; Agenda Item No.: <br />6-t-12 <br />Council Date: ! Legal John Godwin, City Manager 18• <br />6-25- t 2 <br />RECOMMENDED MOTION: <br />Motion to reapprove the existing Tax Abatement Policy consistent with Chapter 312 of the Texas Tax Code <br />PoLZCY IssuE(s): <br />Economic Development _ <br />Paris, like most municipalities in Texas, has established certain standards for property maintenance. If a <br />property owner fails to meet these standazds, lie/she is notified of the violation and given a specifed <br />periad of time during which the property must be brought into eompliance. Many property owners do in <br />fact comply, but rnany others do not. In such cases, the city typically abates the nuisance by performing <br />necessary work ourselves, either using city forces or contractor(s). Once work is complete, the city bills <br />the property oumer for the work, including an administrative fee (which amounts to a sort of fine). If the <br />bill is not paid within a certain period of time, the city files a lien on the property. This lien has priority <br />over all other 1'aens except tax liens. When the property is sold, we should get paid the full amount <br />owed, plus interest, out of the closing costs. <br />Unfortunately, many of these properties do not sell and we never get anything back to recoup even our <br />out-of-pocket expenses, much Less the admin fee and accrued interest. A number of these properties in <br />fact end up being placed for publie auction due to delinquent taxes and end up in possession of the city. <br />Liens can sometimes be more expensive than a property is even worth. In such cases, a greater <br />flexibility with the cade liens might help the property sell and return it to the tax roll and productive use. <br />In other cases, speculators might use such flexibility simply ta buy properties on the cheap and re-sell <br />them at a profit with no intention to increase their praductivity. <br />Ultimately, the council has three choices - offer no flexibility on payment of code liens at all, autharize <br />the city manager to waive any ar a.ll of owed amounts as specific situations dictate, or reserve the right <br />as a body to waive all or parts of liens following public action by the council as a whole. <br />BOARD/COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION: <br />None <br />EXHisrxs: <br />AcrioN: <br />❑ Financial Repor <br />F] Departcnent Ret <br />❑ Presentatian <br />R Public Hearing <br />Fiscni. NoTES: <br />None <br />BUDGET INFO: <br />t Z Minute Order <br />Expense <br />;NA <br />iort Resolution <br />Budgeted Amt. <br />$NA <br />❑ Ordinance <br />y'xD Actual <br />$NA <br />❑ Other <br />Acct, Name <br />NA <br />Acet. Number <br />NA <br />City of Paris <br />Revised 2/04/08 <br />\..D b <br />