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ORDINANCE NO. 1851 , <br />AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCES NO, 1495, NQ. 1594, N0. 1812, <br />AND NO. 1814, CHANGING THE SPEED LIMITS ON CERTAIN PORTIONS OF <br />U.S. HIGHWAY 82 EAST FROM 24TH STREET TO 30TH STREET, F.M. 79 TO <br />19TH STREET N. W. , STATE HIGHtiTAYS 19 AND 24, FROM F.M. 1497 TO <br />THE CITY LIMIT SOUTH dF LOaF 286, F.M. 1497 TO-INCLUDE NEW AREA <br />ANNEXED TO THE GITY AND ATTACHING STATE HIGHWAY STRIPS COVERING <br />AREA IN THE CITY AND ADJACENT TO THE CITY, P'ROVIDING A PENALTY OF <br />TWO HUNDRED ($200.00) DOLLARS FINE AND FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE, <br />BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PARIS: <br />Section 1. That ordinances no. 1495, no, 1594, no. 1812 <br />and no, 1814 be ame?ided as follows: <br />(a) State Speed Laws Applicuble. The State traffic laws <br />regulating the speed of vehicles (P,C. 827a, Regulating operation <br />of vehicles on highways, Section 8, Rate and speed of vehicles.) <br />shall be applicable upon all streets within this city, except as <br />this ordinance, as authorized by State law (P,C. 827a, Section 8, <br />Subsection 3,), hereby declares and determines upon the basis of <br />engineering and traffic invest:igation that certain speed regula- <br />tions shall be applicable upon specified streets or in certain areas, <br />in which event it shall be prima facie unlawful for any person to <br />drive a vehicle at a speed in excess of any speed so declared in <br />this ordinance when signs are =i.n place giving notice thereof. <br />Section 2, Increasing State Speed L.imit in Certain Zones, <br />It is hereby determined upon the ba-sis of an engineering and traffic <br />investigation that the speed permitted by State law upon the following <br />streets is less than is necessary for safe operation of vehicles <br />thereon by reason of the designation and signposting of said streets <br />as through highways and by reason of widely spaced intersections and it <br />is hereby declared that the pra-ma facie speed limit shall be as <br />hereinafter set forth on those streets or parts of streets herein <br />designated at the times specified when signs are erected giving <br />notice thereof : <br />(a) On F.M. 79, or what is known in the city as 19th Street, <br />N. W„ the speeds are fixed as follows: <br />l, From Bonham Street North to Plum Street, a speed <br />limi t of thi rty..f ive (35) mi 1 es per hour, <br />2, From P'lum Street North to Campbell Street, a speed <br />limit of forty (40) miles per hour. <br />3. From Campbell Street North to city limit line, a <br />speed limit of forty.•five (45) miles per hour, <br />(b) On South Main Street <br />1, On South Main Street from the S. E. corner of the <br />public plaza south to a point about halfway between Sycamore Street <br />and Faris Boulevard, the speed is fixed at thirty (30) miles per hour. <br />2. From the above point south to Evergreen Street a <br />speed limit of forty (40) miles is hereby fixed. <br />