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For paying interest and creating a sinking fund <br />for City of Paris, Texas, STREET IMPROVEMENT BONDS, <br />Series 1939, on each and every One Hundred Dollars <br />worth of property situated within the corporate <br />limits of the City of Paris, and subject to taxation, <br />a tax of $0.0078 <br />For paying interest <br />for CITY OF PARIS, TEXAS, <br />BONDS, Series 1939, on ea <br />Dollars worth of property <br />porate limits of th e City <br />taxation, a tax of <br />and creating a sinking fund <br />WATERWORKS CONSTRUCTION <br />ch and every One Hundred <br />si tuated wi thi n the co r«• <br />of Paris and subject to <br />$0.0039 <br />For paying interest and creating a sinking fund <br />for CITY OF PARIS, TEXAS, TIME YrVARRANTS, Series 1967, <br />on each and every One Hundred Dollars worth of pro•• <br />perty si tuated within the co rporate limits of the <br />City of Paris and subject to taxation, a tax of 0.0946 <br />2.20 <br />Section lA. That on any delinquent taxes collected for years <br />prior to th e year 1968, during the budget year 1968••69, the Director <br />of Finance is hereby authorized and directed to apportion the debt <br />service collections on the basis of the above and foregoing distri» <br />bution for the respective debt service funds. <br />Section 2. There is also levied and ordered to be collected <br />against each and every person, firm or corpo ration pursuing an <br />occupation within the corporate limits of the City of Faris, ex. <br />cept where levy of same is expressly forbidden by general law, an <br />occupation tax and license tax equal to one-half (1/2) of that <br />levied by the State of Texas against such occupation. This provi.• <br />sion applies to each and every occupation upon which the State of <br />Texas levies a tax and fixes a license fee and only to such occu.• <br />pations. <br />Section 3. The City Tax Assessor and Collector of the City <br />of I'aris is hereby directed to assess, extend and enter upon the <br />rolls of the City of Paris, Paris, Texas, for the current taxable <br />year, the amounts and rates herein levied and to keep a current <br />account of same, and the taxes herein levied shall be collected as <br />provided by the ordinances and the Charter of the City of Paris, <br />Texas., and the laws of the State of Texas; and when so collected, <br />same shall be deposited in the depository of the City of Paris to <br />be distributed in accordance with ordinance. <br />Section 4. Current ad valorem taxes for the year 1968, paid <br />on ox prior to December 31, 1968, shall be subject to discounts as <br />follows: <br />Three per cent if paid on or before October 31, <br />1968; Two per cent if paid after October 31, <br />1968, and on or before November 30, 1968; One <br />per cent if paid after November 30, 1968, and <br />on or before December 31, 1968. <br />Section 5. Al1 ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict <br />herewith are hereby expressly repealed. <br />This ordinance shall be and remain in full fisce and effect <br />from and after its passage and approval by the City Council of the <br />City of Paris. <br />