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ORDINANCE NO. 1711 _ <br />E1N ORDINANCE DESIG~~VATING A.1VD GRA1vTING SPECIFIC PERIVIITS <br />PROVIDED rOR UNDER ORDINANCE NU. 1710, AND FUR1'HER DESIGNATING <br />AS S".iOWN ON 1'HE LAND USE MAP, PROVIDING FOR t1N EFFECTIVE DATE, <br />AND REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT HEREWITH. <br />BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PARIS, <br />TEXAS : <br />Section l. That since -the City Coi-incil of the :,ity of <br />Paris has on this date passe3 and adopted a coznprehensive zon•- <br />ing amendment to the zoning ordinances of the City of Paris, <br /> Or3.ina.nce No. 1710, and the City of Paris on this 3ate <br />having adopte3 a specific land use rnap designating the various <br />zoning dis*ricts provided for in said Zoning Orclinance Amend- <br />ment No. 1710, and among the --ozzing districts established by <br />said zoning ordinance and shown on said land use -tnap is *he <br />district of specific use perinit. <br />Section 2. That in said ordinance and sa:id zoning :.nap, <br />the area designated for speci.Fic use pe.rmits was designated <br />accor_3ing to the uses existing in the respective a.reas at this <br />time, and there is hereby granted specific use permits to the <br />respective businesses located in -the specific permit use dis- <br />trict at this time. <br />Section 3. Hereafter, all specific use permits will be <br />granted by tl7e Lity Council after recommendation of the PJaniiing <br />and Zoning Commission and a hearing thereon, as provide3 in said <br />ame,zdment. <br />Section 4. This o-rdi:nance shall becorne effective im?ae- <br />diately. <br />Section 5. All ordinances or darts o-f or3inances in con- <br />flict herewith axe hereby repealed. <br />Passed and adopted this 12th.Aay76f April, A.D., 1955. <br />. <br />Mayor <br />ATTEST : <br />, City Clerk <br />APPRONED S TO Fbt$MY <br />- <br />, ;City Attorney. <br />