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Section 6. Tne City Manager of the City of Paris is hereby authorized to <br />secure and obtain any security lienp or document desired, in addition to the <br />paving assessments and certificates authorized by law to secure the payment of <br />the respective property owiierts part of the costs and improvements, and if he <br />shall be unable to obtain reasonable satisfactory security as to any abutting <br />property or owner, the whole city block to which the frontage of any such pro- <br />perty or properties belong may be by him deleted from the corstruction contract <br />and the lien upon the properties abutting any such city block and portion of said <br />construction project fixed by the filing of notice of the enactment of this ordi- <br />nance will be released. <br />Section 7. The City Clerk is hereby directed to cause to be prepared a <br />notice of enactment of this ordinancey and to file said notice the County <br />Clerk of Lamar County, Texas9 among the M:>rtgage or Deed of Trust Records <br />of said Cuunty. <br />Pas sed and adopted by the City Counci], of the City of Paris, in regular <br />session convened, on this the l lth day of AKil, A. D,, 1966. <br />~ <br />Mayo r <br />AT'TEST: <br />~ City C erk <br />APP~OVED AS TO FORM: <br />~ J r <br />~ <br />i y Attorney. <br />