Adik AdMkk
<br />1dHr;REA;~, '::r.•etofor•e ort tr~<> 13th da,y of DecEmb`-r, 19,51, tiPe
<br />;,~i.ty Counczl passe 1on o_^dinance the zssuanefi of.' C'
<br />Cit;T of Pa.ris, Texa;~, i~t.te:rwork:~ and SFwer Improvemer.t ai73 Exter~sior i,e~~venuE~
<br />Bonds, ae."ies 1952, pa:Iable fro:n arid scctz.~ed by w pledge of the riet treve::ues
<br />oi' the C].ty' s 'Wa,t:.xYsJOrks :znd. Sew-r Systerr:, a.s autho{ i,.,c l b;r A-.rt;c' w.. 1111 ta
<br />'
<br />~ ~ /a ''Y "
<br />~~oth incl_usi Je, of tne ~2e vi:-.e:~ Ci`ril ':~tr~.tutes of T4 .x.3.c as a:~er7d; ~~r. ~
<br />r•eser-vin,,T to the City the right thefFafte,, to issize adctitionz,l_ oon~is uridFr t ic
<br />tE:.rms aini conditions set f'orth :i., said o,°dinancc; and
<br />UHE;~EAC, aii Hu~;u;>t lra, 1~5 ari e1f>etior. was l:c:l~3 An ~a~~i
<br />C~ u ~ava~~~. ~f, • •,r3~-, ~r~• o=- d (_i700.~~ r y i~dat~, ~ ~.wo P„
<br />ty _~u1t ~n~; tbly ~o ~n ~n ~uv~, ~_,t, Ira: ovz:>_
<br />r!mcnt an~ Extension R: vF -aue- 'Pcan is e.ncl ,:Xwc=r Improvetr.c°nt an:a Extensio;
<br />:Reverdu,_Bondts; and
<br />'~THE:ttE AS~ on t'_e: ~.Oti? da,r of t~ecem~~c1^;a;rt;, t,,rn ~;Y
<br />jr
<br />CC7`tZT1C%L pu:c".`sE,'d 3Y1 OY'dIftc^,.t1CP aUt'ih0:i'1Z1.1ig trlE' 1SSl,:altce of C.i.. +
<br />ot' Pa-1-is, TeYa,s, '~Jaterworlcr:; -Ind SAwPr Impr. ovement and ExtFn sior, 'tcvenuc B0~-13,
<br />:~e:ries 195 i, br_ a part of ~the ~t+C~of' "bonds Y,*oted. or August 14,
<br />1`50, :t'or• the piirpns: of improv?ng a.rAd ex_tenriing ti1eC::ty'U !,tiaterworks System,
<br />~ h bond:, were in P.'11 t}iirgs ona parity with said. Se:^ies 1952 .Bonds; a,nd
<br />wr_ic
<br />T~THe;?~'~?>>, by ordinarlc~: diily pa.ssed on r°bruat•y 1~, I.~;S
<br />by the City Council said 2)0ries 1957 Boxids were refunaed by tr:r
<br />13SLda?1Ce Oi' il~i.%(~0.l~l v:1~.~7 O~y Pc'1,:':t:>> Texas, ~'~c3.'f'.eT'470?"i{a cZll(~. ~S:=WE']" -"dC';_7l;?K
<br />:Refunding Bonds, ;:>e:^ies 1.957, which ba:zds arf; on a pa.rity with thc~ ,,c ~ries 1~,52
<br />Bonds, anove described; a.r.d
<br />WFEREAS, on the ?`)th day of August, 1957, tr:e Ci t-y Couric
<br />pas~ed an o:rdj.;zrance authorizing tize iCsuance of $1,9OC;10J0.00 Cit,y of ParS-s,
<br />Texas, Waterworks and ;'ewer I:!:prov^rient :Revenue Bo_ids, 5et•iF~s 1957-A, to-wit;
<br />$94J, O;io. OC) for the purpose of ir?provir•;g and; t he Ci.ty' s:v'aterwork -s.
<br />S,ysi;cm ?,nd $a(),n:)(.}.00 foY• the praY•pose of improvi^i~ and e-,~tending t?:e City' s
<br />Sewei• 5yster!a, wriicl:i bondw are on zparity with +,t1~l 3-ri:-3 Bonds and th.e
<br />nE'_"1°S 1q% i BOi'1ds: arid
<br />;:~IERI~:AS, by ard.inar.ce ;au? rpa: sed or Octobe_ 25, 1~:+57, b,Y
<br />the City Cotzncil ~ ~Scrif:s 1r~'S7-"~ "onds ,T,~_-e _-ei„n;~ed by t2~!~
<br />_
<br />1sSU`cL11CE of 4h1, ()1)~0170.7(.' i:.~.tV Qi' P5.~r-is, TF.-.h,-?.S. W:~~tC'-,•sdOl,!rS ::'~1ti ~3E.-'W°_^ 7`.'F:'.T111E
<br />:i"h1.:1.'1'_lg P;O_iS? 'it''libY:C1S 9.'E' O!i a p€3..; :.ty Wit'.~i t'.iiG )erinz
<br />lCiSC', Bo -id- ~;,ri z : F_ ;eri _ l`j d Bo,,ds; .d
<br />