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(c) That the present boundaries of Ward Three of iiie City of Paris, <br />be, and the same are hereby extended so as to embrace and include withi.n <br />said Ward Three all of said property which is describedas beginning where <br />the present City Limit Line intersects the E. B. Line of the Right of Way <br />of thc St. Louis & San Franci.sco Railway, in the Northern part of Paris and <br />extending to the North Boundary Line of U. S. Highway No. 82 West, and the <br />same is hereby incorporated in said Ward Three of the City of Paris, <br />(d) That the present boundaries of Ward Two of the City of Paris, be, <br />and the same are hereby extended so as to embrace and i.nclude withi.n said <br />11Vard Two all of said propertq which is described as beginning at the N. B. <br />Line of U. S. Highway 82 W es t at a point immediately North of the extens ion <br />of the E. B. Line of the Gordon Lake Road, South to a poi.nt immedia.tely <br />West of the North Boundary Line of West Sherman Street; Thence East to the <br />North Boundary Line of West Sherman Street, and the same is hereby incorpo- <br />rated in said W ard Two of the G ity of Paris. <br />Section 3. The G ity Engineer is hereby instructed to make a complete <br />survey of the above described territory and to mark the boundaries thereof <br />by proper monuments; and to survey, establish and open, under the direction <br />of the City Mana.ger, all street, roads, alleys and ways in said territory <br />dedicatod to public use; and to make and file with the City Clerk a complete <br />map of said newly annexed territory showing all property lines, lots, and <br />tracts therein, together with the names of the owners of same, and all <br />streets, alleys, roads and ways dedicated to public use; and to immediately <br />correct the map of the City of Paris so aa to add thereto, the additional <br />territory described herei.n, indicating on such map the date of annexation, <br />the number of the ordina.nce and reference to the minutes or ordinance re- <br />cords of the City of Paris where such instrument is recorded in full. <br />Section 4. The City Tax Assessor and Collector of Taxes of the City <br />of Paris is hereby directed to list all lots, tracts and property situated in <br />said annexed territory on the tax rolls of the City of Paris and hereafter <br />to assess same for taxes in accordance with law. <br />Section 5. This ordinance shall become effective upon final passage. <br />Introduced at a regular meeting of the City Council on the lOth day of <br />I?ecember, A. I?. , 1962. <br />Passed on first reading on I?ecember 10, 1962; passed on second <br />reading on January 14, 1963; and passed on f'inal readinc-D on February <br />11, 1g63 e <br /> <br />G-' <br /> <br />Ma <br />ATTEST: <br />City Clerk <br />A PPROVED 1~St- TO FORM : ` <br />E <br />l ~ <br />~ City Atto neyo <br />