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ORDINANGE NO, 1678 , <br />AN ORDINANCE REGULATING THE MOVING OF BUILDINGS ALONG OR <br />OVER THE 5TREETS AND HIGHWAYS IN THE CITY OF PARIS; PROVIDING <br />FOR THE LICENSING OF HOUSE MOVERS, THE ISSUANCE OF A PERMITa <br />THE ESTABLISHING OF A LICENSE FEE; REQUIR.ING THE LIGENSED HOUSE <br />MOVERS TO PROVIDE A SURETY BOND; PROVIDING A PENALTY; AND RE- <br />PEALING CONFLICTING ORDINANCES, <br />BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PARIS: <br />Section 1. No person, firm or corporation, except a licensed house <br />movcr, shall move any building or structure of any type greater than eight (8) <br />feet in width and twelve (12) feet in length and ten (lO) feet in height, and not <br />in excess of ninety-six (96) square feet of floor space, and in no event shall <br />the same be in excess of eight (8) feet in width, over, along or across any <br />street or highway within the City Limits of the City of Paris, Texas. <br />Section 2. Every person, firm or corporation, before engaging in the <br />occupation of a house mover, shall obtain an an.nual license therefor, to be <br />issued by the Department of Public Works of the City of Paris, and the fee <br />for such license shall be Twen*y-Five ($25. 00) Dollars per year. Such li- <br />cense shall not be granted until the person applying therefor shall have given <br />a bond in the sum of One Thousand ($1, 000. 00) Dollars with an approved <br />surety comparzy doing business in the State of Texas, and approved by the <br />Governing Body of the City of Paris, Texas. <br />Section 3. Upon the execution of the bond mentioned in Section 2 above <br />and its approval by the governing body, together with the payment of the re- <br />quired license fee, a license shall be issued to such person, firm or corpora- <br />tion applying therefor as a licensed house mover, but such licensed house <br />mover shall in each case and every instance before any building, file <br />with the building official of the City of Paris an application for a permit to <br />do so, i.n which case the application shall show the size and height of the <br />building proposed to be moved, its present location, the proposed re-location, <br />the route of the proposed movement over public or private property, the <br />proposed time and date of the movement and the owner of the structure to <br />be moved. If the structure proposed to be moved exceeds 24 feet in width <br />and 18 feet in height and is to be moved over public streets or highways, the <br />house mover will secure approval of the Utility Companies for clearance of <br />their utility lines before the application is submitted to the building official. <br />Upon receipt of such application, the building official shall immediately review <br />said application to determine i.f the structure can be movad over the route <br />planned without undue damage to trees, shrubs, curbs, etc., and with <br />the payment of the required fee issue a permit to the house mover and of <br />which notice of said permit will be given the Police and Fire Departments <br />and the utility companie s. In the judgment of the building official, the appli- <br />cation for permit can be refused if the structure size will cause damage to <br />adjacent structure items over-hanging the street or in the parkway between <br />curb and sidewalk. In no case shall a permit be issued for the moving of <br />any structure whose width exceeds ninety (90) per cent of the width of a paved <br />street (face to face of curbs) along the route of the movement, unless special <br />permission is granted by the Governing Body of the City of Paris. <br />Section 4. All ordi.nances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith <br />are hereby repealed. <br />Section 5. Any person, firm or ~corporation violating any of the pro- <br />visions of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and <br />upon conviction thereof shall be assessed a penalty not to exceed Two <br />Hundred {$200. 00} Dollars. Each and every day any person, firm or corpora- <br />tion shall violate any of the provisions of this ordinance shall constitute a <br />separate offense and shall be punishable as such. <br />Section 6. This ordinance shall become effective on the lst day of <br />July, 1964. <br />