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ORI?INANCE NO. 1521 <br />AN ORDINANCE FIXING THE WORKING HOURS FOR FIREMEN <br />AND POLICEMEN, PROVIDING GOMPENSATION FOR THE WORKING <br />HOURS OF FIR.EMEN AND POLICEMEN AND FIXING THE MAXIMUM <br />HOURS TO BE WORKED BY FIREMEN, EXCEPT IN CASE OF DIRE <br />EMERGENCY, AND BY POLICEMEN, EXCEPT IlV CASE OF DIRE <br />EMERGENCY, PROVIDIING FOR COMPENSATION FOR OVERTIME <br />DURING SUCH EMERGENCY, AND PROVIDTNG FOR AN EFFECTIVE <br />DA TE, <br />BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF <br />PARIS, TEXAS: <br />Section l. That from and after the 1 st day of July, 1960, no <br />member of the Fire Department of the City of Paris, Texas, shaIl be <br />required to work in excess of seventy-two (72) hours during any one <br />calendar week. Provided, however, in case of dire emergency, a mem- <br />ber of the Fire Departrnent ma.y be required or permitted to work in <br />excess of seventy-two (72) hours in any one calendar week, and --in the <br />event of such emergency and such working in excess of seventy-two (72).- <br />hours per week, said member of the Fire I?epartment. shall be compen- <br />sated for such overtime at a rate equal to one and one-ha,lf times the <br />compensation paid to such fireman for regular hours. <br />Section 2. That no policeman of the Paris Police Department shall <br />be required or permitted to work in excess of forty-four (44) hours in <br />any one calendar week. That each policeman during his working day <br />shall take, on or near the middle portion of his shift, forty (40) minutes <br />for his lunch hour or rest hour and shall not be on duty during such <br />forty -minute period of time, and shall not be called to or permitted to <br />work during such forty-minute period. That the Chief of Police shall <br />stagger the lunch hours in order to keep a working force in effect. <br />Provided, ho~xvever, in case of an emergency, any policeman who <br />is called back to duty from his lunch hour, or who is required to work <br />in excess of forty-four (44) hours in any one calendar week, he shall be <br />comp ensated for such overtime at a rate equal to one and one-half times <br />the compensation paid to such policeman for regular hours. <br />Section 3, This ordinance shall take effect midnight, June 30, 1960. <br />Passed and adopted this 13th day of June, A. D., 1960. <br />ATTEST: <br />, <br />Acting City Clerk <br />APPROVED AS TO FORM: <br />•-c <br />~ <br />i y Atto ney. <br />