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For paying interest and creating a sinking fund for <br />5EWER CONSTRUCTION BONDS, 5eries 1934, on each and <br />every One Hundred Dollars vvorth of property situated within <br />the corporate limits of the City of Paris and subject to <br />taxation, a ta.x of $0.020 <br />For pay'tng interest and creating a sinking fund for <br />City of Paris, Texa.s, REFUNDTNG BONDS, 5eries 1936, on <br />each and every One Hundred Dollars worth of property <br />situated within the corporate limits of the City of Paris <br />and subject to taxation, a tax of $0. 157 <br />For paying interest and creating a sinking fund for <br />CITY OF PARXS9 TEXAS, RESURFACING BOND5, Series <br />1936, on each and every One Hundred Dollars worth of pro- <br />perty situated within the corporate limits of the City of <br />Paris and aubject to taxation, a tax of $0. 019 <br />For paying interest and creating a sinking fund for <br />CITY OF PARIS, TEXAS, ABATTOIR BONDS, Series 1936, <br />on each and every One Hundred Dollars worth of property <br />situated within the corporate limits of the City of Paris and <br />subject to taxation, a tax of $0. 005 <br />For paying interest and creating a sinking fund for <br />CITY OF PARIS, TEXAS, STREET IMPROVEMENT BONDS, <br />Series 1937, on each and every One Hundred Dollars worth <br />of property situated within the corporate limits of the Gity <br />of Paris and subject to taxation, a tax of $0.015 <br />For payin; interest and creating a sinking fund for <br />City of Paris, Texas, STREET IMPROVEMENT BONDS, <br />Series 1938, on each and, every One Hundred Dollars worth <br />of property situated within the corporate limits of the City <br />of Paris, and subject to taxation, a tax of $0. 015 <br />For paying interest and creating a sinking fund for <br />City of Paris, Texas, 5TREET IMPROVEMENT BONDS, <br />Series 1939, on each and every One Hundred Dollars worth <br />of property s ituated within the corporate limits of the City <br />of Paris, and subject to taxation, a tax of $0. 016 <br />For paying interest and creating a sinking fund for <br />CITY OF PARIS, TEXAS, WATERWORKS CONSTRUCTZON <br />BONDS, Series 1939, on each and every One Hundred <br />Dollars worth of property situa.ted within the corporate <br />limits of the City of Paris and subject to taxation, a tax of $0. 008 <br />For paying interest and creating a sinking fund for <br />CITY OF PARYS, TEXAS, TIME WARR.ANTS, on each and <br />every One Hundred Dollars worth of property situated within <br />corporate limits of the City of Paris and subject to taxation; <br />a tax of $0.060 <br />Sewer Construction Bonds, Series 1936, for paying <br />the interest and creating a sinking fund therefor, on each <br />and every One Hundred D+ollarsi worth of property situated <br />within the corporate limits of the City of Paris and subject <br />to taxation, a tax o f $ 0. 0 04 <br />$2. 50 <br /> <br />