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Section 3. A portion of the costs of said improvements shall be <br />paid by and defrayed by the City of Paris, Texas, and a portion of the <br />costs thereof shall be assessed against and paid by the property abutting <br />upon said streets within the limits above defined and the real and true <br />owners thereof, in accordance with and in the manner provided by <br />Article 1105b, Revised Givil Sta.tutes of the State of Texas, 1925, as <br />amended, and adopted by the Charter of the City of Paris, Texas; and <br />the tota,l costs of said improvements on said streets as hereinabove de- <br />scribed, shall be, and the same are hereby apportioned between said <br />parties and shall be paid and defrayed as follows: <br />(a) The City shall pay all of the costs of drainage installations, <br />drainage easements, and street intersections. The Texas Highway <br />Department shall pay all costs of excavation and pay said widening pro- <br />ject. The property owners of the abutting properties shall pay all costs <br />of curb, gutters, and driveways. <br />(b) No assessment shall be made against any abutting property or <br />the real and true owners thereof for the costs in excess of the benefits to <br />such property in enhanced value thereof by means of such imprwements. <br />The amounts of such assessments shall constitute a first and prior lien <br />upon all such properties and a personal liability of the real and true owners <br />thereof, whether correctly named or not, and sha,ll be payable in install- <br />ments as follows: When the improvements herein ordered for the streets <br />designated above have been completed and accepted by the Gity of Paris, <br />the amount of the assessment against each property abutting thereon and <br />the real and true owner thereof shall be and become payable in five (5) <br />equal annual insta.llments, due respectively thirty (30) days after one (1), <br />two (2), three (3), four (4) and five (5) years from the date of acceptance <br />by the Gity, together with interest on each installment from said daae <br />acceptance until paid at the rate of six per cent (6%) per annum, p yble <br />annually; provided, however, that the owners of any of said property shall <br />have the privilege of paying all or any of said insta.llments at any time be- <br />fore maturity thereof by paying the tota,l amount of the principal of such in- <br />stallments, together with the interest accrued thereon to the date of pay- <br />ment. Further, if default be made in the payment of any of said install- <br />ments of principal or interest promptly as the same mature, then at the <br />option of the Gity of Paris, the entire amount of the assessment upon which <br />default is made, together with reasonable attorney's fees and all collection <br />costs incurred, shall be and become immediately due and payable. <br />Section 4. A hearing shall be held and given to the real and true <br />owners thereof, and all owning or claiming any interest in any property <br />abutting upon said streets within the limits above defined, as to the assess- <br />ments and as to the amount to be assessed against each parcel of abutting <br />property and the real and true owners thereof, as to the special benefits, <br />if any, to said property to be received from said improvements, and con- <br />cerning any error, invalidity or irregularity in any proceedings or contract <br />with reference thereto, which hearing shall be held by the Gity Council of <br />the City of Paris, Texas, at 7:00 o'clock P. M. , on the 14th day of August, <br />A. D. , 1961, in the City Council Room, in the City Hall, in the City of Paris, <br />Texas, at which time and place all persons, firms, corporations or estates, <br />owning or claiming any such abutting property, or interest therein, their <br />agents or attorneys, shall be notified to appear and be heard in person, or <br />by counsel, and may offer evidence; and the City Manager of the City of <br />Paris, Texas, is hereby directed to give notice of said hearing by publica- <br />tion of notice in the Paris News, a newspaper of general circulation in the <br />City of Paris, Texas; said notice shall be published at least three times in <br />said newspaper before the date set for hearing, the first of which shall be <br />at least ten (10) days prior to the date of said hearing, and such notice by <br />publication shall be valid and sufficient, without any further form or <br />character of notice. <br />