TRACT 2: Beginning at a point in the South B. L. of U. S.
<br />Highway No. 271 East, known as Clarksville Street, same
<br />being the present City Limit Line, at the N. W. corner of
<br />the Westinghouse property and the N. E. corner of UARCO,
<br />Inc.
<br />Thence in a Southerly direction along the common
<br />boundary line between uTestinghouse and UARCO, Inc, a
<br />dista,nce of 982. 67 feet to a point.
<br />Thence South 79 degrees, 24 feet West a distance of
<br />101. 73 feet to a point.
<br />Thence in a Southerly direction a distance of 34 feet to
<br />a point in the N. B. L. of the Texas and Pacific Railroad,
<br />said point being the S. W. corner of Westinghouse and the
<br />S. E. corner of UARCO, Inc.
<br />Thence S 84 deg, 15 min. East along the N. B. L. of
<br />the Texas and Pacific Railroad a dista,nce of 925 feet to
<br />the S. E. corner of Westinghouse and the S. W. corner of
<br />Luke and George Hendersonts property.
<br />Thence North along the Westinghouse-Henderson common
<br />B. Line a distance of 793 feet to a point in the S. B. L. of
<br />Clarksville Street, said point being the N. E. corner of
<br />W e stinghous e.
<br />Thence in a Northwesterly direction along the S. B.L.
<br />of Clarksville Street 889.66 feet to the place of beginning
<br />and containing .027 square miles.
<br />The inhabitants within said annexed territories are and sha,ll
<br />hereafter be entitled to enjoy all the priwileges and immunities of
<br />citizens of the City of Paris, TexaG- and all laws, ordinances, rules,
<br />resolutions, acts, and regulations of said City now in force in said
<br />City of Paris, Texas, and that may be hereafter passed, shall be in
<br />full force and effect in said territories hereby annexed and admitted,
<br />said area to be admitted into the City of Paris, Texas, under the zoning
<br />classification of "H"Commercial.
<br />Section 2. That the present boundaries of Ward 1 of the City of
<br />Paris, be, and the same are hereby extended so as to embrace and in-
<br />clude within said Ward 1 all of the said property described in Tract 2
<br />above. That the present boundaries of Ward 4 of the City of Paris, be,
<br />and the same are he reby extended so as to embrace all of the property
<br />described in Tract 1, which lies East of U. S. Highway 271 leading
<br />North from Paris. That the present boundaries of Warcl 3 of the City
<br />of Paris, be, and the same are hereby extended so as to embrace and
<br />include witliin said Ward 3 all of the said property described in Tract
<br />1 above, which lies West of U. S. Highway 271 leading North from the
<br />City of Paris, Texas, and the said respective portions are hereby in-
<br />corporated in'said Ward 1, Ward 4, and Ward 3 of the City of Paris,
<br />Texas. Section 3. The City Engineer is hereby instructed to make a com-
<br />plete survey of the above described territories and to mark the bounda-
<br />ries thereof by proper monuments; and to survey, establish and open,
<br />under the direction of the City Manager, all streets, roads, alleys and
<br />ways in said territories dedicated to public use; and to make and file
<br />w'ilh the City Clerk a complete map of said newly annexed territories
<br />showing all property lines, lots, and tracts therein, together with the
<br />names of the owners of same, and all streets, alleys, roads and ways
<br />dedicated to public use; and to immediately correct the map of the City
<br />of Paris so as to add thereto, the additional territories described herein,
<br />indicating on such map the date of annexation, the number of the ordinance
<br />and reference to the minutes or ordinance records of the City of Pa,ris
<br />where such instrument is recorded in full.
<br />