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ORDINANCE NO. 1575 . <br />AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 1194, ORDINANCE <br />NO. 1240, AND ORDINANCE NO. 1378, PRE5CRIBING FROCEDURES <br />AND PENALTIES FOR VIOLATION OF ITS PROVISIONS, REPEALING <br />ALL ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT THFREWITH, AMENDING SAID ORDI- <br />NANCES BY DEFINING WHAT CONSTITUTES A DOG RUNNING AT <br />LARGE A NUISANCE AND PROVIDING FOR NOTICE OF FIVE (5) <br />DAYS TO THE OWNER, AND PROVIDING FOR THE IMPOUNDING OF <br />ANY DOG WHICH CONSTITUTES A NUISANCE, <br />BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF <br />PA RIS: <br />Tha.t Ordinance No. 1194, Ordinance No. 1240, and Ordinance No. <br />1378, be amended as follows: <br />(a) No person, firm, or corporation shall permit any dog or dogs <br />to run at large, whether inoculated and the annual license fee tags are <br />exhibited upon the collar of said dog or dogs, or not, when said dog is <br />damaging the property of others, disturbing the peace and welfare of <br />others, or if such dog is known to be of a vicious nature and/or disposi- <br />tion. <br />(b) That all dogs guilty of either or all of the above behaviors are <br />hereby declared a public nuisance and detrimental to the health, welfare, <br />and property of the citizens of the Gity of Paris, in flie area where such <br />dog is permitted to run at large. <br />(c) That the owner, keeper or custodian of all dogs who are in vio- <br />lation of Sections (a) and (b) above, shall be notified by the Chief of <br />Police, in writing, of the actions of said dog, and they shall be given five <br />(5) days in which to correct the same, or in which to make arrangements <br />to keep said dog seeurely confined. <br />(d) That in the event said owner, keeper or custodian of any such <br />dog fails and refuses to opmply with said notice, then said dog, whether <br />vaccinated or the license fee ha.s been paid thereon or not, may be im- <br />pounded. That when any such dog is impounded, notice of same shall be <br />published by posting one notice at the Dog Pound and one notice on the <br />bulletin board in the City Hall, in the City of Pa.ris, and if said dog is <br />not redeemed by paying the impounding fee of $1. 00 within forty-eight <br />(48) hours, then said dog may be destroyed. <br />(e) That any owner, keeper or custodian of any dog violating any <br />of the above provisions shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and <br />upon conviction therefor ahall be fined in any sum not exceeding Gne <br />Hundred ($100.00) Dollars, and each day that the dog is permitted to run <br />at large in violation of this ordinance sha.ll constitute a separate offense. <br />(f) That every person, firm or corporation, who shall be the <br />owner, keeper or custodian of a dog, or dogs, who bitten any per- <br />son, when notified by the City Health Officer, shall seeurely confine said <br />dog for a period of fourteen (14) days from the date of notice of the <br />Health Officer, for the purpose of observation to determine whether or <br />not said dog is infested with rabies. <br />(g) That any owner, keeper or custodian of any dog, or dogs, who <br />shall fail bw refuse to keep such dog, or dogs, which have bitten any per- <br />son, securely confined, ahall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and <br />upon conviction therefor, shall be fined in any sum not exceeding Two <br />Hundred ($200. 00) Dollars, and each day tha.t the dog is permitted to run <br />at large in violation of this ordinance shall constitute a separate offense. <br />