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ORDINANCE NO, 1583 , <br />r <br />AN OR.DTNA1vCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 1487, PASSED B Y THE <br />CITY COUNCTL OF THE CITY OF PARIS ON THE 14TH DAY OF SEPTEMBER, <br />A. D., 1959, AN ORDINANCE PR.OVIDING FOR REGULATI4NS ON BUILDIRTG <br />SIDE L1NES, AND AbiENDING SEC TION 2, SUBDIVISION (a), AND PROVIDING <br />A PENALTY OF NOT MORE THAN TWO HUNDRED ($200. 00) DOLLARS, FOR <br />EACH DAY'S VIOLATION. <br />BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CZTY OF PARIS, <br />TEXAS: <br />Section 1. That Ordinance No. 1487, be, and the same is hereby amended <br />in the following manner, to-wit: <br />That Section 2, Subdivision (a), of Ordinance No. 1487, be amended to <br />read as follows: <br />That no person, firm, or corporatian shall erect or alter a residence <br />or building upon any lot in a residential area and outside the Fire <br />Limits of the City of Paris, cloaer tha,n five (5) feet to the side pro- <br />perty line, except a separate garage, shed, or home workshop, at the <br />rear of the dwelling, on said lot, which may be conatructed not closer <br />than three (3) feet from the side or rear property line, provided there <br />does not exist on the lot or adjacent lots, any existing structures <br />which would be cloaer than six (6) feet to the garage, ehed, or work- <br />shop in questi.on, as a six (6) fcet fire lane shall be provided between <br />all frame cvnstructivn. It is also provided tha,t the above building <br />line regulations shall not affect any building lines required in Zoning <br />Ordinance No. 1409, or any amendments thereto, on property that has <br />been zoned under said Zoning Ordinance No. 1409. <br />Section 2. This ordina.nce shall repeal all ordinances in conflict here- <br />with. <br />Section 3. The above amendment shall effect upon passage and <br />publication. <br />Passed and adopted this 9th day of April, A. D., 1962. <br />Ma. }ro r <br />A TTEST: <br /> <br />City Clerk <br />APPROVED AS T4 FORM: ~ <br />~ ; <br />' City Attorney. <br />; <br /> <br />