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SEVENTH TR.AC T: (I. J. Ingram) A part of the Asa J arman <br />Survey, a part of City Block No. 243 within the corporate <br />limits of the City of Paris; <br />BE GINNIN'G a t a in the NB line of Bonham Blvd. <br />479 feet West of the intersection of the NB line of Bonham <br />Blvd. with the WB line of 25th Street Northwest, formerly <br />designated Forter Street, this beginning point also bein,g the <br />SW corner of alot owned by Mrs. Enni.s (Edna) Brand; <br />THENCE West 105 feet, a stake; <br />THENCE North 396 feet, a stake in fence line; <br />THENCEEast with fence 105 feet a; <br />THENCE South 396 feet to the place of beginning. <br />EIGHTH TR.ACT: (Lawrence McDowell) All that ce rtain tra ct <br />or parcel of land situated in Lamar County, Texa,s, a part of <br />the Asa Jarman Survey within the corporate limits of the City <br />of Paris on the East side of 27th Street NW; <br />BEGINN]NG at a stake on the EB of 27th Street <br />Northw e s t 2621 No rth of its inte rs e c tion w ith the NB line of <br />Bonham Str eet; <br />THENCE North with the EB line of 27th Street NW 701 <br />a sta,ke; <br />THENCE East 67-1/21 to the WB line of the P.S. James <br />property, a stake; <br />THENCE South 70t a stake; <br />TFiFNCE Weat 67-1/2 feet to the place of beginning, <br /> the North one-half of a lot calveyed by Willie L. <br />Toland et ux to Lawrence McDowell by deed rlated April 5, <br />1961. <br />NINTH TRACT: (Tr oy Allen) All that certai.n tract or parcel <br />of la.nd situated in Lamar County, Texas, a part of the Asa <br />Jarman Survey, within the corporate limits of the City of <br />Pa ris, on the Ea st side of 27th Street NW, beginning at a <br />stake on the EB line of 27th 5treet NW, 192 feet North of its <br />intersection with the NB line of Bonham Street; <br />THENCE North with the EB line of 27th Street NW 70 fe et, <br />a s ; <br />THENCE East 67-1 /2 feet, a stake; <br />THENCE South 70 feet, a stake; <br />THENCE West 67-1/2 feet, to the place of beginning. <br />BEING the South 1/2 of the lot canveyed by Willie L. <br />Toland et ux to Lawrence McDowell, by deed dated April 5, <br />1961. <br />Section 2. That the City Engineer of the City of Pa.ris be, and he is <br />hereby directed to change the Map of the City of Pa.ris, in <br />accordance with the provisions of Ordinance No. 1409, as amended, <br />and in accordance with the provisions of this ordinance. <br />Section 3. That all of the above described property shall be and <br />it is here by placed i.n the Fir st Fire Limits of the City of Pa.ris. <br />Section 4. That all ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict <br />herewith are hereby expressly repealed. <br />Section 5. This ordinance shall become effective immediate ly upon <br />passage. <br />- 3 - <br />